Car insurance went up $520 after one at fault accident?!

@sunshine158 Similar situation and my insurance almost doubled, so I called to see exactly how much of the increase was due to my fault accident. Turns out the increase was only around $198 per year for 3 years. The rest was just rates going up due to inflation. I shopped around and got better rates with Progressive for a comparable plan. I still see an increase compared to last year with geico but at least it's not doubled if I had stayed with geico. The funny thing is the agent I was speaking with while cancelling geico mentioned that she herself has Progressive..
@sunshine158 Unfortunately, it’s normal. That $520 was probably not just the accident. Most like a state revision was done that was effective for the renewal, as well as any discounts that may be tied to safe driving or accident free discount if it’s available in your state.
@sunshine158 If that’s a monthly increase, it’s way too much especially for a low speed parking lot BS. If it’s per 6 months…. Probably kind of a lot, you may still get cheaper by switching. Shop other carriers.

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