Underinsured Car Accident

@raytheon You hit them. Anything over your limit is your problem whether the other company paid or not. You don't get to carry crappy limits with no repercussions if you cause damage more than those limits
Is there anything that I can do about this?


if there is any way that I can argue the cost of fixing the Tesla


Who are you to disagree with this cost? Are you a mechanic? Do you work at a body shop? Are you an automotive electrical engineer? Do you even have a copy of the estimate so you can pinpoint exactly what line items on the repair you want to take issue with? What specifically do you disagree with? Is it the labor hours? The cost per hour in labor? What items they repaired? The cost of those items? I'm guessing you don't even know. You just don't want to pay it. I get it, I wouldn't want to pay it either but that's why I have really high policy limits. Teslas are notoriously expensive to repair The exact same collision on a Corolla and a Tesla can easily be twice as much. That's just how it is. The other insurance company is not going to audit their own estimate for you.

However, you can still try to negotiate. Don't take the tactic of arguing the estimate is too high because that will get you nowhere. Be super, super, super nice. Be the nicest and most pleasant you've ever been to anybody. Be the kind of nice you are to a cop when you're pulled over but haven't been written a ticket yet. You want the insurance person to LIKE YOU. You want them to think, this sounds like a nice guy. Any arguing on your part whatsoever will ruin the illusion. Then you tell them you're ready to settle your balance, but you'd like to negotiate it. You just don't have the money, tell them a sob story, etc. Offer to settle the balance at $2,000 and see what they say. They might say no but if they're in a good mood they might also say yes! Or they might counter and say we can't do $2K but we'll split it in half at $4K or something like that. Then you can ask about setting up a payment plan and they'll help you with that. Whatever you do, do not argue the cost of repairs in this conversation. All that's going to do is annoy them, and that's the opposite tactic you want to take if you're looking to get ahead of this.
@raytheon Nope, you owe the money. You can always negotiate a settlement, particularly if you are in a position to make a lump sum payment. Next, increase those limits.
@raytheon 21K is not out of the scope for these damages. You're leaving out a lot of the damages, operations, and calibrations that go into fixing Teslas correctly. You can ask for the estimate, alldata, Tesla procedures, and invoices but I'd say it's honestly a waste of time.
@raytheon You can opt to cheap out on repairs for your own vehicle. You didn't give the person a say in damaging their car and ruining their day. You don't get to cheap out on repairs for their vehicle.
@raytheon A guy on YouTube who works in the auto industry was just talking about this yesterday. Apparently, electric vehicles are often totaled or the costs are extremely high to fix them compared to traditional vehicles. You can listen to what he says here about it:

edited: about 6 min. 30 seconds into it where he talks about EVs.

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