@robster1981 I’ve only started investing in them last month.

It’s the current promotion rate now. The calculation is below:

The net return of 4.0% = Versa Cash base net return rate (2.75% p.a) + promotion net return rate (1.25% p.a)
@cupofjoe1052 ermmm..

no even close to being the best offer at this moment.

stan chart is around 4.3% (min 250k, 3months)
muamalat 4 % (3 months)
bank islam also around 4%

better not to commit to anything below 4% until the next hike in rates (jan 2023).
@joep222w Errr, while you are technically correct, you need to understand that the B40 group which means 40% of the population earning RM4k or less. if they can't even keep 50k in their "forced" saving. What are the chances they will even have more money in other places? Let's say they can save 10% of their RM3k salary every month. It will take them 69 years to save RM250k

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