Why are insurance quotes so expensive?


New member
I’m 20yrs old and I’m trying to get to my first car and literally the only thing holding my back in car insurance. I tried to get a quote from Geico and the straight up said “we can’t offer you a quote at this time, please try again at a later date”, then I go to Progressive and tbh it didn’t get much better the gave me a quote for $1,854 a month with me paying $4,633 for the first month which is more than what I’m paying for the car. Is this how everyone’s first time dealing with the lords of car insurance is?
@faithful_jim You don't mention where you live. Insurance is expensive. Insurance for a 20 year old is expensive because 1. You don't have current insurance. 2. You're a young, inexperienced driver. 3. The type of vehicle and age affect rates. Newer or larger vehicles are more expensive to insure. Hyundai and Kias are more expensive to insure. Vehicles that are financed are more expensive to insure. 4. Some states are more expensive than other states.
@saywhat1 1/4. I live in NYC Queens
2.I’m not “inexperienced” technically, on paper yes yes but I’ve been driving since I got my license at 18 and I turn 21 at the end of the year I just haven’t needed a car because I’ve been using my mother’s car. Do you the the driver tracker that some companies use would be beneficial?
3. 07 Nissan Altima was the the I used to car for quotes since that most likely what I’ll get.
@faithful_jim You're inexperienced to an insurance carrier for a few more years. Rates in Queens NY are expensive. You can google "independent insurance agent NY" and call a fee of them.
@faithful_jim You should have been listed on your mother's insurance, so with luck you'll only be paying for inexperienced operator rating for another year. Make sure that anyone you quote with knows that you were under your mom's coverage and ask if they can confirm how much longer you'd be considered inexperienced.

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