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All I got on my gov 2 go app was a flippin job fair notification -_-

They did say that their offices were opening late today due to inclement weather but I didn’t want to believe they would ACTUALLY push the date out further. Smfh. They’re literally scrambling to get all the money together thats owed to use probably bc they don’t budget correctly bc their systems are OLD AF and they’ve been paid multiple times by the federal government to update their systems but they haven’t. And use the money elsewhere. Now. Here we fuxking are.

EDIT: Jan 29th 2:10pm


HANG IN THERE!!! Answer the questions, it’s the SAME QUESTIONS YOU HAVE BEEN FILLING OUT. Just go over them before you call lol press 1 all the way through and don’t hang up after they tell you “try again later”!!! Give me youre social and tell you wanna file you’re weekly pua and haven’t been able to since you exhausted it last month blah blah idk you don’t have to do all that but it my first time calling it in bc I always do it online hahah ugh. YOU GUYS ARE A GREAT COMMUNITY!!! I couldn’t have done this without you. Jamari confirmed the app is acting up and to just call in your weeks!!!

Should get BACKPAY next week! I also asked if I had to reapply for PUA etc etc he said no, it was fine on his end. Ready to go

UPDATE! 6:06pm

Just logged on my gov2go app and everything seems normal!! Filed the claims again to get the confirmation numbers bc I didn’t get them on the phone earlier. Expecting payment next week like everyone else 🖤✨🙏🏼

Also spoke to my mom’s immigration specialist guy and if anyone needs help with their case and has special circumstances or whatever’s I’d be glad to forward his office number!

I believe it’s called Arlington Latino services or something of the sort...lmk if you need the number lol

I called today bc my mother wouldn’t stop nagging me and the lady was quite helpful. (My mom prob drives them crazy too)

But she asked me if I’ve been filing my weekly claims and I said I had just gotten off the phone with VEC and filed them etc etc and she said oh ok then I’m all set haha

Sooo I guess if I can’t do it myself they’d offer to help as a service. Which is fine -_-

At least if I ever need help with it again I’ll know who to call!

All is well 🪴✨
@philips My Gov2Go just updated and I was able to file 4 weeks for January. My pua exhausted in December and I wasn’t able to file any claims until just now.
@philips No, I didn’t register or anything. I was already enrolled for pua. I stopped receiving payments last month because my pua exhausted. The system is probably updating a little at a time.
@resjudicata Did you get the notification in September about the monetary determination and if you wanted to increase it to send them documents? I just completed it bc I didn’t want an increase lol but I hope I wasn’t actually supposed to them anything bc I didn’t have anything to show at that point.

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