Texas: Can I get a low paying job and still obtain Unemployment?


New member
Hi all, sorry I couldn’t find this questions answered anywhere. I (normally) work in management making 76k/year paid salary. Workplace closed down due to pandemic and we are NOT being paid.

I was approved for unemployment with a weekly benefit of $521/week. $2084 per month (not counting the extra $600 now) is barely just enough to cover bills.

I applied and received a temporary job working for H-E-B grocery stores making $13.50 hourly ($540 for 40hrs) . I understand I can only make 25% more of my salary so if I work at H-E-B full time will I lose unemployment? If so, should I only work reduced hours?

TLDR: Will working full time at a lower paying job make me lose unemployment benefits?
@cristian1980 Yeah dude if you start working again and making anywhere NEAR your current benefit amount, your benefits are going to be greatly reduced , or zero. I know cause I'm currently working 1 day a week rn and still receiving benefits. I wouldn't fuck w it unless you want to end up with zero. Plus just stay on unemployment. You're about to get the $600 a week. Why risk your life working at a grocery store and ruin all that free money?
@cristian1980 The only way a job is beneficial is if you just make enough to get your earning allowance. If you go over your earnings allowance then your unemployment benefits drop dollar per dollar, no actual net gain.

Right now your benefit is $521.

Say your earning allowance is $100

You work and make $300 in wages

Benefit + earning allowance = 621

621 - wages = 321

321 from unemployment + 300 in wages = 621

321 being paid out now instead 521. The only net benefit is whatever your earning allowance. Once you pass you're only working to drive your unemployment benefits down
@resjudicata Texas workforce commission says if I work Full time I would be disqualified. Which is dumb Bc that means I’d make a whole lot less than if I stay at home. Part time hours still qualifies but they reduce dollar-by-dollar for anything over $130

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