[NEW YORK] I need help. I might lose my job if I refuse to do this and I need to know if I’d qualify

@stingerming Tell them it wasn’t in the job description and you’ll need trainings. Ask the most mundane questions and to be shown every little step on proper restroom cleaning. Ask. “Where’s the masks?” Gloves? Can you show me how to do this? And this and this and this..Do we do trash first? Do I just clean the bowl?” Go further. Ask what everything is. What’s that? (Point to the mop). Just play this off that your too smart in your other areas of work that your dumb as dirt in custodial work. Make yourself annoying and not worth training.

They’ll either actually appreciate what your skilled in, and higher an actual office cleaner and you’ll be more appreciative and less degrading to my fellow custodians in the future. Or they’ll terminate you for incompetence and you can collect unemployment on your high horse.
@stingerming There's a reason that bathroom wasn't tended to before your arrival...and probably why the job was available. If I were you...(this is an I know now what I wish I knew back then thing) I'd look for a new job at every chance you get. Then, RUN from that place and don't ever look back.

Forget unemployment. Just get yourself someplace better. And at this rate, if they're using the generic phrase "and other tasks as needed" to dump extra tasks on you, this place is worth escaping. They're likely used to people leaving and probably know how to deny unemployment. "Using" employees instead of hiring a cleaning service is a good indicator of how that company sees your worth. Get out of there as fast as possible. Tell no one you're searching.

Edit: Good Luck! Hope you get a better situation soon!

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