
New member
Hi Guys,

I see everyday a lot of people coming here to understand or plan their future. I created a list of links that I feel one should ideally check out as they get serious about organizing their personal finance.
  1. Basics of Personal Finance - Hindi version- Pehla Kadam - |
    1. English versions - Franklin Templeton
      . This is available in Hindi, Tamil, Bengali.
    2. If you prefer more write up versions then check Personal Finance on Livemint. Comprehensive write ups and written from a personalized perspective. I have been on and off reading this section since last 10 years. I almost always read these articles when starting any new search-
  2. Basics of Investments - - This is the best unbiased platform which can teach most things related to investment. The best part is that it's on phone so one can skip or keep reading as and when they have time.
  3. Debt Instruments: We will read or hear this in a lot of places. This link gives a good primer on available Debt instruments and their comparison -
  4. Planning your future: Capitalmind is a good starting point. They have a nice calculator that I have used in the past. If one has a lot of money and cant figure out what to do you can also check out their small case or portfolio management systems.
  5. National Pension Schemes: There are many who have now started using NPS. So please use the following links. Use NPS calculator to figure out your retirement plans - If you are already invested and wondering about returns, then check this to Calculate your NPS returns v/s other schemes or market -
  6. I like reading Neil Borate’s articles - He does this cool articles which cater to affluent class in the country. Worth checking out I feel. I read most of the stuff he writes.
  7. Moneylife - I read all the things Sucheta Dalal wrote. She calls out all places where investor or citizen interests are being effed over.
    1. Other interesting websites are MorningStar,, Valuepickr
  8. Certain Terms thrown Around
    1. Rebalancing -,you%20meet%20your%20investing%20goals.
If there is something else which pops up, I will add here. Personal finance is a lot of diligence, so I hope people read this and share it forward.

Edits: Added more links

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