@ladyw Great job.
Buy "lets talk money" by monika jalan.
Easy to read, great introductory text to personal finance.
Congrats on searching at such young age.
@ladyw To be Frank, The amount is too low. I would suggest you to concentrate on your studies. For understanding of finance, go though some videos. If you still want to try and don’t mind loses, I would suggest shares. You can invest for short 3-4 weeks in some shares. You will either make some good money or end up with losing a part of your money.

Research before buying shares blindly
@ladyw Learn first, dont start investing in stocks or anything rn, im 18 too and just educating myself rn..use the money to buy books or courses
@ladyw It's most likely to find the pdf of a book on the internet for free. Ask for books on reddit/telegram/Google agar nahi mile tab khareed Lena..
@ladyw Will say learn things about types of trading and investments via YouTube. or other option is spending it on your skill or equipment which is required most in your life. Many other factors come into play and obviously it varies from person to person. Some people like going all in stocks, crypto, etc some like safe investmens like ppf and FDs.
DM for more advice.
@ladyw Good you are starting very early in ur life. Once you learn about financial literacy do impart ur knowledge to others.

2ndly keep ur investment simple and don't complicate it.

Just watch videos of Ajay Sharma and Varun Malhotra(ilfs) on youtube for financial literacy

Waise kal varun Malhotra ji free webinar you can also subscribe to that

@ladyw I would suggest if u reallly want to invest u should do research till atleast 1 year and put your money for long term like years to get good return ...
List is reallly big maybe hmu ?!

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