Planning Permission Q's; stuck for some A's

[22m] Currently looking at investing in an old property and renewing it. It's a small cottage of roughly 35m2. Beautiful area, great plot, etc etc. If I manage to get a hold of it I would plan to extend the property. Tried to gather as much info as possible about extending and have some unanswered questions if anyone has any knowledge?

Info on the property;
  • Derelict, dormant for nearly a decade
  • Down a private lane, no other homes on the lane so would have no issue (to my knowledge) of window or extension issues into/facing neighbouring homes.
  • Septic tank, well, esb all set, mostly done in the late 90's early 00's by previous owner.
  • One story, previous owner selling due to an illegal extension on the rear of the property
  1. Most websites mention that extensions can only occur at the rear, is this definite? Is it possible to extended to the left/right side of the property so long as it is within the plot and not impacting other land/property?
  2. Is PP required for an extension below 40m2? Does this still apply to this property as the original building is smaller than the planned extension?
  3. Is it allowed to make two separate extensions that stay below 40m2 collectively? (e.g. extending a space of 10m2 at one end of the property and 25m2 at the other?)
  4. Does raising a roof on a property require planning even if another story to the building is not added?
  5. Has anyone reading been approved for the Derelict Property Grant? Is it an extensive/worthwhile process?
I understand that planning parameters differ depending on CC. Relatively new to this so don't be afraid to ELI5 lol. Any info appreciated.

  1. extensions to the rear can be upto 40m2 without planning permission. Any change to the front of the house(facade) need planning permission so extension to the side would change the facade. As far as I know you can put skylights in roof at the front without planning but that’s the only change you can make to the front.
  2. it depends on whether the extension will change the facade of the house. If it doesn’t you are fine.
  3. You can do 2 extensions as long at they collectively don’t exceed 40m2. For example you could convert the attic for 15m2 and build out the back for a single story 25m2 but if you want the back extension to be 2 story the back extension would then be counted as 50m2 and so would need planning.
  4. yes, change to the facade.
  5. it’s relatively straightforward. But needs documentation to prove dereliction. My sister had to prove that no property tax had been paid, ebb shut off etc. then once form went to the council it was inspected by an engineer who then gives the go ahead. Be aware the grant is paid after work is completed not before.
@aculturewarrior Also there's a tight enough deadline to get the works done as far as I know, like 12 months or something which can be tight if you're building extensions etc. If you're altering over 25% of the surface area, then the overall completed building has to achieve a certain BER rating so no harm getting a BER assessor on board before you put your planning in, they can advice on grants available etc.

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