I made a data visualisation dashboard (2.0) of companies investing into India. The dashboard also has a link to the dataset


New member
So I made a data visualisation dashboard so that people can interact with it and explore it. I made the dataset based on the news articles I have seen and recorded them and filled in the dataset where necessary. This includes company name, company country, investment state, category and the amount.

The dataset requires further exploring, such as you can explore "state investments" category as it contains investments that are not mentioned in other articles. These includes how much a state has attracted in investments. Such as Uttar Pradesh attracting 1.88 trillion rupees in the last 3.5 years.

The dataset is linked to the Google Sheets. So it will be updated automatically after I add a new record. Feel free to notify me of any investments you might find. I will add it if appropriate. Special thanks to @quest4reason for notifying me of investments.

Note: A lot of the news articles don't list how much a company is investing in the dataset. Especially for military investments for obvious reasons. If you want, you can check the source and notify me if you know how much that company is investing. The source to the dataset is in the dashboard.

Link to the dashboard. It has investments from 2020 start til present: https://public.tableau.com/app/prof...InvestmentsDashboard_16220829360130/Dashboard

Feedback is welcome!

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