@ash55 Don't put your eggs in just one basket, opening a bank account is free so you should explore the various banks around. I have a Maybank, Hong Leong Bank, Bank Islam (Be U), GX Bank, HSBC account and I feel that all of them have their own pros and cons. At the end of the day, what do you want to do with them that matters.
@ash55 Maybank’s app is the best so far. Everything is easy to access, UI is good, no problems in the years I’ve been using them. The only thing is I don’t know why they need 2 apps.

Hong Leong I barely use but it’s not bad, HSBC is okay too, I actually am okay with Public Bank too it’s not pretty but it’s simple and functional enough.

I hated Standard Chartered the most, I can’t find the things I need and it feels like everything I need is 50 clicks away. The worst experience for me by far.

Never had CIMB but I’ve heard many bad things about its security issues, not worth it
@ash55 If you are working, I would suggest the main bank same with the bank that release your salary. You will get your salary as early as 8 am.
@ash55 I just use Maybank since it's my bank terima gaji. They annoy me from time to time but I don't even remember why I got annoyed in the first place.

Waiting for GX to have more functions before I switch fully. For now I probably plan to pay everything off using the GX debit card hoping I get my 1% rebate that way.

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