@wingnut0731 not like everyday but thats an option as well

OP mention they spend about rm36/day on food, id like to think there are probably other slightly cheaper meals if they cut down like rm10-15 to rm25ish/day and save about 300 per month
@tammy2446 Dude, he’s here to get some ideas and advice. Why the need to unnecessarily bring in people GF?

Spending 1.1k for food is alot, but without asking the details or context of it is hard to judge his spending at the moment. Also you can ask in other way right? No need to go insult people
@tammy2446 I don’t get which part of your sentence is regarded as a joke. You immediately started off aggressive and went all vulgar like “wtf” need to spend to much etc.

Also you know how to say it’s on Reddit, but nobody can read sarcasm over such aggressive writing tone. Especially online. Get off your bloody high horse
@yourfatcousin Stop your unit trust, and divert that monthly RM200 to a StashAway Flexible Portfolio one-fund portfolio consisting of 99% ISAC and 1% cash. Build your emergency funds with your ongoing FD and Versa Cash deposits.
  1. If you single have emergency fund for at least 3x of your expenses. If you are married, have 9x emergency fund. Married and 1 kid, have 12x emergency fund. You cant touch this fund unless its really really really emergency.
  2. Do you have health insurance? If not yet, then i suggest you to get 1. For me, this one give me peace of mind. I dont have to think how much money will i spend if i sick. If your company give you health insurance, you can postpone this one at least until you reach your emergency fund goal.
  3. How many % for saving? For me min is 20% from your salary
  4. If you still have money left, you can save it to treat your self. Maybe traveling or buy something. But only when you really achieve something. Not just because you want.
  1. Build up emergency fund (6month salary in case you lost job)
  2. Increase your income.
  3. Lower living expenses
  4. Budget your savings for near term purchases : a. House b. Car. C.wedding , d. Children
  5. Then you consider invest

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