
  1. U

    Widthrawing AXA MyLifeChoice

    Hello, Gusto ko na lang sana stop yung policy having 57k value. Sa august 4 years na yung policy ko. Does anyone here magkano yung ikakaltas nila if i surrender my policy? Wala na din kaseng FA n nakaAssign saken sa app kaya wala ako mapagtanungan.
  2. D

    [New Jersey] so I filed on 5/5 and got approved 5/8 pretty quickly but it won’t let me certify until 5/22? Why?

    I got approved fairly quickly which was a surprise but it’s saying I can’t certify until may 22nd? So does that mean I’ll get back pay? I verified my identity and I’m waiting till the 22nd . If I was already approved why do I have wait nearly two weeks to certify and get payments? So am I...
  3. K

    Resources for single moms being dropped by Medicaid 🥺

    Myself and my son will be losing our Medicaid/LaCHIP benefits on 1/31/24. On paper I make “enough” to afford private insurance, but after taxes, rent, utilities, groceries, car payment/insurance, and gas I am broke!! I shopped around on the marketplace, but the lowest premium offered (out of...
  4. T

    What does "total 6-month premium" mean?

    I'm trying to get insurance as a new (
  5. I

    Possibly injured and may need meds, X-ray… but Health insurance doesn’t kick in till April 1 because of waiting period from new job

    Please help. I am in severe pain. Ankle might be broken. I just started a new job… my health insurance kicks in April 1. I’m no longer on my last insurance as of last September. I don’t have enough money to pay for doctor visits/X-rays/meds because insurance used to help out a lot. What can I...
  6. N

    [Virginia] y’all are confusing / if you have received your back pay today drop why n how n what issue you had

    Do any of you actually know that they are releasing benefits to the people who haven’t received them at all I haven’t been paid since Feb 17 was never asked to send in documentation also I’m on PEUC I see alotta same info or different info I’m really confused at this point so if you haven’t been...
  7. B

    Car insurance claim payout

    Hello, about a week ago I was at a gas station pumping gas completely outside of my car standing up, and a car pulls into the gas station and hits the front of my car I have no idea how they did not see a parked car but luckily we got eachothers info he admitted to fault and now it’s through the...
  8. K

    Smoke/Soot Claim Sanity check

    Hey all, Homeowner here. Earlier this week we had an oil furnace puffback which is a covered event under our policy, and unfortunately there's a fine coating of soot all over the whole house that came through the forced air system. We tried our best to clean it ourselves, but its beyond...
  9. I

    [29,M,NY] [EmblemHealth, GHI PPO] Confusion about "amount allowed" being $0 with in-network provider

    My non-covered amount & amount billed for a claim titled "INITIAL PREVENTIVE VISIT" is $560.00. The amount allowed is $0.00. Should I be expecting a $560 bill coming down the pipe?
  10. E

    [California] Tech support number no longer works

    Well, the number itself works, but you can't get help for ui/edd questions anymore. It worked great earlier but I got disconnected (it was my bad, not theirs) before I could talk to a rep from claims after I got transferred. After 1 1/2 hours of waiting, I was disappointed and took a mental...
  11. H

    [California] filed for unemployment on 4/1 but just got a full time position. How do I cancel my claim?

    At the beginning of the month my work let a majority of staff go, and anybody they didn't let go was put on notice that we will get reduced hours and to apply for unemployment. I did so, and had a few days of my week cut down. This week I was assured that I would be receiving full time moving...
  12. G

    New to insurance- question

    Hi! 23(F) who will be moving from Ireland to California at the end of the month. I understand California insurance can take a long time (most giving 2-3 week waiting periods before it goes into affect) so I am trying to get it sorted now. Can I get a quote I’m comfortable with a car I may not...
  13. I

    [ALL STATES] Are you tired of being screwed by the system? Be a part of the biggest F U in modern history to the rich POS who ruin everyone’s life

    This goes across all political lines but if we are being honest, you’ll be screwing over the older generation which might lean a little more conservative, for selling out all our futures for a second home while most of us don’t even have enough money for a down payment on our first. I’m sure...
  14. A

    Tips for Filing In NY

    This assumes you began your application online and have to complete it over the phone. File on your day. Monday is A-F, Tuesday is G-N, Wednesday is O-Z. You can also try on Thurs/Fri/Sat but that's for everyone and your chances of getting thru are worse. Call at 8am. The earlier you call, the...
  15. K

    Understanding health insurance

    What does a health insurance with a $0 deductible and $8,700 out of pocket limit mean if it’s a $0 deductible?
  16. S

    Allstate-U NOT in good hands!

    Just to let you know All state is trash! A few months back in March, Allstate increased my car insurance premium by over 200+% Im a good driver, and my car is beat up and old. I dont think I deserve such treatment, mind you. For years, I have been paying bone dry basic premium. Request...
  17. J

    Claiming a cherished plate after insurance declared write off?

    I am currently in a claim process with my insurance (uk) and I have applied to the DVLA to keep my private plate & paid £80. I have just rang my insurance and changed the registration on my policy to the old registration. Is there anything further I need to do from here, i.e. do I need assurance...
  18. L

    [Pennsylvania] PUA BYE date 9/4/2021 but Monetary Finality date shows 9/3/2021

    As the title says, does anybody else have it showing like this in the PUA dashboard? Or is it just me, and will this affect me at all? As in the 9/3/2021, as that's 1 day before the end of the final week of the current extension. Will I still be able to file the last week, or will I have...
  19. W

    I was told that I retained access to the funds in my universal life insurance policy, but that's not true

    About 4 years ago, I was sold a $750k universal flex life insurance policy as a supplemental retirement policy in Florida. I received misinformation about several things, but the main issue is that I was told that I retained access to the funds. I've recently learned that is untrue. I emailed...
  20. B

    Would umbrella policy or H/O's insurance cover this?

    Got a question.....stick with me, its a bit odd. Let's say two neighbors are constantly in conflict with each other. Neighbor A calls 911 on the other, making a false claim about something....let's say yardwork along a property line. This false claim results in the Neighbor B needing to...