
  1. S

    Help on Liability Insurance, damages exceed the policy

    Hi I am from Massachusetts and I got into a DUI accident 4 years ago. I had crashed into someone’s car at the time. It was my first time and I got my license back and am able to drive again. I recently got a mail from my insurance telling me that the damages exceed the policy I had. I had the...
  2. S

    I’m getting car insurance but I don’t remember the exact date I got my speeding ticket

    How the hell do I figure this out? I remember the date I had to pay it, but I can’t remember when exactly it was. What do I do?
  3. D

    Medicare Part C or original Medicare?

    My older family member relies on me to handle anything insurance related. She has original Medicare. She also makes such a low income that Medicaid covers everything else that isn't covered my Medicare. Just got off the phone with a representative that has offered to enroll her into a Medicare...
  4. I

    [VIRGINIA] Good news?

    Hello everyone, I am on PUA and stopped getting payments about 4 weeks ago due to the verification clusterf**k and completed and submitted all verification forms by july 1st, I finally got an email back from a rep but I am unsure if this is good news or not since I am not sure what stage of...
  5. M

    [CALIFORNIA] Application Question

    When adding in an additional employer during the Application process, they ask for Start/End Date and average hours worked per week. This is a bit confusing as I work for multiple W-2 employers throughout the year. Sometimes I work 8 hours one day. Then months later come back and work another...
  6. T

    P.u.a unemployment [illinois] i have applied its been nearly 30 days and still no check, im in serious trouble

    I applied for unemployment, was told I needed to be turned down to try for p.u.a I filed for that, and this has been going on nearly 2 months I have 2 pending matters in adjudication p.u.a and identity verification. I have not heard anything, im certifying but not getting a check, unemployment...
  7. T


    Hello, everyone. I (25M) currently reside in Washington State (King County) and am on the dire hunt for health insurance. I am completely uninsured and suspect that I *may* request an MRI down the road. Here's the bad news: I'm an independent contractor that makes $600-$800/week before taxes. I...
  8. X

    Billing Disagreement on Meet and Greet OB Sessions with Weill Cornell - Seeking Advice on Next Steps

    Hi, I live in NYC and just had my first baby at Weill Cornell. I switched from Mount Sinai OB to Weill Cornell ~ 20 week mark. I just saw that I was billed $4,390.00 (and charged 2,217.30 towards my HD plan) for a routine OB in-network April visit. I flagged this to the billing department, and...
  9. L

    [Pennsylvania] PUA earnings - aren’t we supposed to receive 1/2 our pre-pandemic earnings, not just $195?

    Hi everyone, Pre-pandemic I was making $800 a week as an independent contractor (sometimes more than that; sometimes less, but average, it was $806); however, PUA will only give me $195 (plus their stimulus payments) per week. Am I incorrect to think that it was supposed to be 50% of our wage...
  10. I

    Suggestions for 22 Y/O New Driver Struggling w/ Car Insurance

    hello hello hello, so let's cut to the chase. i am a 22 y/o female who is also a new driver. my auto insurance w/ geico ($260/mo, includes minimum comp+collision for my lender, minimum bodily injury/property dmg coverage) legitimately doubled when i switched vehicles from my 2013 chevy cruze...
  11. S

    Confusion : Date of first US/Canadian License

    I got my Full New Jersey driving license in 2005. In 2010, I moved back to asia and stayed there till 2018. (Meanwhile my US license expired in 2012, I did not renew it) . I came to Ontario in 2018, gave G1 and then direct G and got the full G license in 2018 Now whenever I buy insurance, the...
  12. K

    Hospital billed 12k, insurance says it should be 4k. I’m left with the difference. How is this allowed?

    My billing situation is a nightmare. For a $12,000 out of network charge the insurance company is claiming the Medicaid rate is $4,400 and that is all they will pay. That would be fine with me if they negotiate that with the hospital but they didn’t. The line in the sand was drawn with me and...
  13. O

    How do I designate my ex as the "trustee/custodian" of my life insurance proceeds to cover the child support total I owe?

    Hi, I need a life insurance policy to cover the child support total I am to pay, I read that's pretty standard in divorce settlement agreements. It says our kid is to be the beneficiary and my ex is to be the trustee of the insurance proceeds. But when I called my life insurance company they...
  14. N

    3 points on my driving record in cali. All companies deny me or are too expensive! Any help?

    26 y/o with a 10 year clean driving record means fucking nothing when you crash once and go over 100mph once In the span of 1 year. California sucks. It seems my auto quote is either over 400$-1000$ or all of them deny me!
  15. P

    [Pennsylvania] Backpay Eligibility for U.S. Census Workers?

    Hi all. My first job was working for the U.S. Census as an enumerator for the 2020 Census. Shortly after Census operations completed I was in a car accident and was unable to work. I consulted with my former supervisor about unemployment and they said they had no information for me. A few...
  16. G

    Need help concerning the legitimacy of the following insurance companies

    I recently joined a brokerage and I don't want to sell insurance to people and screw them over in the long run. I don't know much about our carrier partners, so I'm hoping people that have had experience with these companies might be able to provide some insight. Silac Insurance Company North...
  17. B

    Term life eDelivery signing while outside USA

    I had applied for Life insurance, it has been approved and have a eDelivery to be be signed. I completed the application and medical exams while I was in USA, it took them a while to approve and send the docs. Now I am traveling in a different country and I am, staying here for total 32 days...
  18. H

    I sued for diminished value, and won. My experience

    Thought I would share my experience for anyone that is interested in going down the path of getting dimished value. I represented myself pro-se through all court filings. My 2016 BMW M3 was hit by someone in February of 2020. It was repaired adequately for the sum of ~$14,000. I initially asked...
  19. S

    Help negotiating with total loss adjuster. What would be a fair settlement number?

    I’ve never had to deal with a total loss adjuster and so I would appreciate any assistance in negotiating the settlement price. I own a 2010 Dodge Caravan with roughly 150,046 miles. I got a copy of the NADA value from a bank which listed the retail value of the car at $4,075, trade in at...
  20. I

    [Texas] license just expired, just got laid off, can’t renew because it’s suspended. Help?

    I was laid off due to the fact I can’t drive for my company anymore. I was on a occupational but we got a new insurance and they wouldn’t insure me. My license just expired October 20th. I just got laid off. It won’t let me renew online, I already applied for benefits. What can I do? Am I screwed?