Trying to reverse car total decision


New member
Hello Everyone. I rear ended a car and my front was damaged. I have full coverage and went to a State farm in service shop for estimate. Their estimate had every single part in the front requiring to be replaced which it really doesn’t. The estimate is higher than my cars kbb value and it will certainly be totaled. I have also taken an estimate from a local shop where they can actually fix some of the parts and all the damage is in body so it won’t affect the functionality of the car. Can I ask state farm to consider the lower estimate and based on that not total my car? The estimate from state farm in service is 8200 and local shop is 5800. My car value is 7-7.5 k. Thank you.
@sodomyslayer69 Insurance can't - and won't - just ignore damages. Even the a lower bid, your insurance will factor in possible supplement (happens on 95% of estimates) and a salvage bid which immensely lowers the reparability of your car.

I have yet to walk back a total loss decision in my time as an adjuster.
@sodomyslayer69 Your option is to let them total it and reduce the payout to you by the salvage value and have a salvage title on the vehicle. You then own it and can get it fixed to whatever level of repair you want. Depending on the state you’re in, the state may require the vehicle be inspected to ensure its roadworthy before you can register it.
@sodomyslayer69 I know that you really want your vehicle to not be totaled, but you must look at it from the other direction.

If you were out buying a vehicle from a dealership or a private party and you found out the car was damaged beyond repair but the insurance company just waived it off and repaired it really cheaply to get it back on the road, you'd be pretty pissed about that, right?
@etgibs They want to replace my fender that has a scratch. I don’t mind driving with a scratch. Similar for my grille and molding. These do not need replacing in my opinion and I don’t mind having them as it is.

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