state farm rental help??? total loss

@axiom1 Enterprise doesn't speak for state farm so they usually dont explain that for legal reasons and your limits are just your limits.

The rental terminates when the policy says it does. More often it's when the vehicles done being fixed. That would seem like commonsense, but the number of people who don't get that is a bit shocking. My favorite is a lady trying to negotiate with me the return date for the rental two weeks after her vehicle was done because she went on a road trip even though she knew her vehicle was gonna be done in a couple of days.

Total loss is not so straightforward since thats dictated by the company and varies alot, but you probably got the notice sent to you in writing somewhere. Some states are pretty strict about that.
@way_to_galway when i said booking i meant through state farm, i called the claims rental agent bc i didn’t have the option in app, and when he told me my time frame, he wouldn’t give me a straightforward answer about my policy that’s stated on my card. (coincidentally though, enterprise told me to contact my insurance bc my time frame was so short, even he was confused lol)

but yeah mine was a total loss where the at fault driver didn’t have insurance so finding out i was only getting 9 days for a totaled car i wasn’t at fault for felt like a slap in the face. i feel like i would’ve definitely gotten more time in a rental if he had insurance but i’m just accepting that i have to return this nice ass car tomorrow afternoon 😭
@axiom1 GOTCHA. Sorry, my confusion there. Uninsured drivers fucking suck.

Will say your policy (if I remember your company right) is this weird pamphlet they mail you that kind of feels like junk mail, but that's the contract you're bound too. Its a big ass thing thats gonna have a bunch of legal verbiage in it, so it's not gonna be on your card. Your broker might be able to get you another copy if you threw it away.
@axiom1 No worries! It really sucks to be in your situation and I actually learned about this when one of my customers was in your shoes and I was the one on hold for forever with claims lol (I was an agent). There was no training for agents or very obvious verbiage in the policy about the limitation after vehicle declared total loss. I think it’s unfair and don’t understand why they don’t give the coverage limit or at least wait till you sign the settlement/ release to start the count down, but it is what we have on hand.

For enterprise, they may or may not know about this limitation issue (after all, they are neither trained nor licensed) and just go by whatever the claim dept. tells them.
@mylastduchess i can continue using the rental for like $26 a day or something which isn’t terrible by any means but is super inconvenient bc i already had to decline a two job interviews bc i lost transportation.

this whole situation has really fucked me over and i’ve never been this stressed. almost makes me just not wanna drive anymore bc wtf even is this. hopefully i get my check quickly 😭
@axiom1 When I was working for them, they’re pretty good about it. If you haven’t settled, you could ask them to mail settlement to an agent (any SF office). That way, you’ll get the check right away
@mylastduchess it’s actually direct deposit ! they said that would be my quickest payment option

they’ve already paid out my liens and everything so now it’s the waiting game 😭
@axiom1 That’s great! A few years back it was claim team sending total loss package & check overnight to agent’s office. We met with customers, have them sign the paperwork, collect key and title, and deliver the check right there. That way, customers get the payment even before claim team got their docs back.

Cross my fingers for you! Hopefully you can strike a deal for another car, and pretty much just need to put the down payment as soon as your direct deposit hits.
@axiom1 Your with State Farm? Do you not personally have an Agent? Like apps/1800 numbers serve a place but you are paying a premium to have a dedicated agent/agency to call where there shouldn’t be a wait…So if you need a policy booklet or just questions answered call your agent.

Also, be thankful your agent must have talked to you at some point and added car rental in the first place as that’s not an automatic endorsement normally.

Lastly, if I read correctly other person who is at fault didn’t have active insurance? So be prepared for a long wait if ever that you will recover your deductible as State Farm will be going after that individual for reimbursement. But generally the people who don’t carry insurance also don’t have assets, or income to go after… But, I’ve seen a client of mine get their $500 deductible back almost 3 years later. Just prepping you now if no one has explained those next potential steps.
@godfreyebot i kinda figured i wasn’t gonna get my deductible back and i’d just accepted that lol but i completely forgot i can just call my branch for those papers and not the claims agents bc i’ve been dealing w them so much the last few weeks.

i will say, i never was asked about rental coverage, i was buying my last car and since i was gonna be paying it off, they made me have full coverage on my car (and my car before that was just liability but i directly took over my dads policy at the time so i got whatever he had set up then, so maybe he did it? idk) regardless i’m glad i had it, even if it was such a short time w my rental.
@axiom1 I have a 30/$900 limit; I got hit on a Thursday, got into a rental Saturday (my choice), got notified the next Saturday the car was totalled, and was given 1 week in the rental. Period. USAA, in NY.
@marktime damn i’m sorry!! i hope you’re okay

this is so inconvenient :/// i don’t understand why they don’t, at minimum, honor the amount on your insurance card. i know it’s gotta be somewhere in the fine print but doesn’t make it suck any less lol.
i definitely wasn’t expecting only 9 total days. especially when i’m not even the at fault driver. my insurance is just covering everything bc his dumbass doesn’t have insurance.
@axiom1 yeah it worked out for me in the end, we bought a new car in just 3 days, but yeaah, it was CRAZY! I want to say that someone on this board warned me about the 7 days thing, too, so I was half prepared :)
@marktime i wish i would’ve checked this sub sooner for advice and tips 😭
thankfully the place i bought my last car from is willing to work w me no matter the size of my down payment so i’m gonna go check out what they have on lot once i get the settlement check from my insurance in. the last i checked they have one of my literal dream cars so hopefully it’s still there
@axiom1 Have they issued your check? If so, they usually make you turn in the rental soon after because you should have the money in hand to buy a new car.

The 30 day time frame is more for cars being repaired.

It's a crappy way of doing things, but not really unusual.
@faithlife1 nope! i still haven’t received my check from insurance so i still don’t have a way to even make a down payment yet :// if they would’ve waited until i got the check, i wouldn’t even be worried about not having the rental very long. but 9 days when i’m still waiting on my check and had to wait two weeks for a rental in the first place really sucks. i was really just expecting the amount of time listed on my insurance card unfortunately ://
@axiom1 I had a wreck with a bus a couple months ago, the bus belonging to the a federal agency. State Farm said if I wanted the process done faster to file through them. (I could’ve filed the tort claim myself, they made it sound super difficult) now I’m out so much money, State Farm should’ve considered my car a total loss. My car was only worth like 7 grand and it cost 10k to fix. Now it drives worse than before. I swear, state farm is the worst and they go out of their way to screw their own people over harder. Enterprise said they’ll only charge me my portion when I bring the car back for good, but they always pulled it out of my account randomly. I know you have better luck on reimbursement 😭
@dphxi i already returned my rental today unfortunately lol

but actually state farm has done the opposite of fuck me over tbh !
they’re doing everything to take care of my car and help me get it settled as quickly as possible. i got more fucked over bc the at fault driver didn’t have any insurance ://
enterprise charged me up front my daily charges like $10 and then my $50 deposit which i’ll get back i’m hoping tomorrow since i returned after hours today.

just hoping so badly that they don’t take forever to pay out my settlement 😭

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