TransUnion VS Equifax


New member
Which is more widely used within Canada for credit applications? I always got diff rating from both but now the diff has got to 65 points b/w the two😗.

Also, what is considered as a good score for someone who has no mortgage, car loan or any other loan. I only use credit cards and have two bank accounts.
@payday007 They are both equal. Some businesses/lenders lean towards one or the other. The difference in score is due to 2 things: the proprietary scoring models of each and there may be bits of information missing from one or both (which is nobody's fault, just how some things are done).
@payday007 Depends on ur history u can always download borrowell or credit karma app to keep track of ur score borrowell i think uses equifax and credit karma transunion i get different scores in there too. Ur credit doesnt matter until ur looking to sign up for things like mortgages. Fyi both apps r free so they will try to sell u on credit products but i dont mind it since they give out free info 🤟🏻

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