Renting 4.5 room apartment by myself

@johnthechristian Haha. Yea, here you can have about 4 rooms in 10 year old buildings for about 2k. Or 3 room 110 m2. Maybe a bit over 2k but not to much. 200m to a trainstation about the same to the migros or coop. I can't complain.
And best of it low tax for bern.
@prayingwife2015 You’re paying 2k/month, that’s a bargain for what you describe (garden, 10 min from work).

Take the extra space, make a gym/room for the dogs/room for family and friends to visit.

Maybe in 1-2yrs your new girlfriend moves in and you’ll need the extra office space.

If you downsize to a 3.5 or a 2.5, how much less would you be paying?
@prayingwife2015 Sorry for your breakup, I hope you will be better soon. On the financial side: I lived 5 years in ZH by myself and paid a 2.5 apartment on a slightly lower salary. Still managed to save a good amount of my income. If you like the place I'd say 2000 for a 4.5 is a great deal.
P.S 170k CHF in savings and investments is only "low" if you spend a lot of time online on the various personal finance/investment discussion forums. For most people our age it's a big sum
@prayingwife2015 Indeed I got the same feeling. Anyway some savings is better than no savings or a large amount of debt, so don't feel bad about it and think how to do better in the future. I am in a similar financial situation and wish I started investing earlier
@prayingwife2015 Depending on the city you are even moving to a smaller apartment won't be so much cheaper as they keep hiking the rent prices.

So might be OK to stay, and you do make enough for it and is saving enough also...
@prayingwife2015 If it makes you feel any better you make about 4000 CHF more than me per month and about 40% of my net income goes into rent . Your net worth is about 169k higher than mine and I’m a bit older than you as well 😬

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