[Pennsylvania] PUA Should L & I Employees Still Be Allowed To Work Remotely?


New member
Many PUA claimants have small businesses. Now we are told that we must submit job applications every week.
Okay, now they want us to completely shut down our businesses and go to job fairs and apply for a job.
Since they have decided that not only is it safe for us to get out there and work after many of us spent the entire fifteen months simply trying to get them to pay us what they owe us and DO THEIR JOBS instead of using that time to build up our businesses:
If it is safe than why in the world would they be allowed to continue to work remotely???
@unbakedpegga No one, in any state is required to shut down their business and go to job fairs. That is just one of many many options. You can absolutely search and apply online for suitable work. Or, you can stop collecting benefits.
@jamaix I’ll add to my previous post. Self employed public speaker, story teller, photographer with thirty years experience seeks work from another self employed public speaker… and I’m not available on dates that previous clients may choose to reschedule postponed events… how is this going to look on a resume? Maybe I’m just stupid, but it isn’t just me asking the same question.
@unbakedpegga That isn't the info you would include on a resume. A resume just states your experience. Uploading said resume counts as a work search activity at least once in every states. Posting an online profile on a site like LinkedIn usually counts as another.

Go to ratracerebellion and search for Creative Writing Jobs and apply. Apply for tutoring jobs as well if interested. DONE.
@jamaix Hello, you have responded to my posts previously and have been very professional. I hope that you are well.
Please consider this scenario. The claimant is a caterer, photographer, videographer etc.
They have a huge investment in supplies and materials necessary to run their business.
The work search requirement begins on July 11, 2021.
They have an incorrect overpayment and the Commonwealth is illegally attempting to recoup many thousands of dollars that is not owed by claimant and this has been adjudicated. This individual has been starved out over the past year because they could not legally operate their business and there was no work anyhow. The Commonwealth not only has falsely recouped money that this person doesn’t owe and on top of that simply did not pay anything whatsoever for many eligible weeks.
It’s necessary, actually CRITICAL for this small owner / operator to focus on rebuilding his or her business and even more critically to not miss even one single inquiry.
This would be impossible if they are also trying to meet the work search requirement.
If they simply stopped collecting, then they would not have the income to survive AND since they have a false overpayment on their record, they would be marked as owing the Commonwealth money.
If I am misguided, please explain.
Thank you
@unbakedpegga You aren’t on a quota to actually apply for 2 jobs per week. You can engage in 3 work “work search activities” per week, and I’d bet a lot of business networking that you are doing for your business is a countable activity.

Check out the section under Work Search Activities (https://www.uc.pa.gov/faq/claimant/Pages/Work-Search-Work-Registration-FAQS.aspx)

Pretty wide ranging with minimal effort. Read the Sunday classifieds online, talked to a potential customer Wednesday, perused the listings on Indeed on Friday. Boom, done.
@hogstar Check one box in each column. You are correct. Totally appreciated, THANK YOU!

Also, this gives me a valid reason to creatively reach out to my customers without appearing desperate.

How did I miss that? I admit that I feel rather stupid right now.

I applied for a job.
I participated in a work search activity because I am limiting my job applications.
I had a job interview.

I applied for a job.
I participated in a work search activity because I am limiting my job applications.
I had a job interview.

I participated in a work search activity.
I applied for a 3rd job.
I had a job interview.
@hogstar If it was as simple as “subtly” contacting some previous customers who may be under new management, or letting my customers know that I have reopened and resuming marketing, that would be fine. I’ve read through what is on their site and they were pretty specific about “resumes” and job applications. I’ll follow the link that you sent to me tomorrow and circle back. Appreciated. Thank you
@hogstar I don’t want to impose, but I would like to ask you a question. They owe me many thousands of dollars. Two examiners at higher levels have called me and told me that “Yes, we do owe you money”. One of them even told me the amount that they owe me before I explained it to him. They know to the penny how much they owe me. One has put in writing that I did not receive due process, that my benefits were simply cut off, that I was never sent a monetary redetermination and that none exists, that I notified them each week of my attempts to file etc. He did this in the portal and promised to get my claim corrected. He clearly is not a man of his word. He told me about things that his department is doing that “aren’t right”… The case has been adjudicated in my favor. I’ve spoken to every House Rep. Congressman, Senator possible and they all tell me that they have not been able to succeed (hit and miss) is the way that they described their success rate. Is there anyway do get them to pay me short of a lawsuit?
@unbakedpegga To repeat what he said they’re not forcing you to close your business. You’re choosing to because you can’t find any work doing your previous self employed job.
@ennafer Caterers, photographers, videographers, puppeteers, solo harpists, solo keyboard players, caricature artists, wedding event planners and a thousand other types of sole proprietors don’t fill out resumes.

Our businesses work very differently. It would be very difficult to explain this to someone who has not actually run this type of business, so I can appreciate that you might “think” that you can grasp the way these types of businesses work, but you don’t or you would not have responded as you did. Not saying that you aren’t sincere, just oblivious to the realities involved.

Your downvotes are surprising.

The build up is slow, work gets booked out into the future. It’s generally, speak to forty people and get one booking. Then contracts, insurance, customers that have changes, advertising, website design and on and on and on.

Then there are fixed and variable costs. When the Commonwealth withheld payment in which they have admitted in writing and via saved voice message was their error and would be paid to me. And, I allege violated State, Federal and Constitutional Law, there was zero income. Services that had grandfathered pricing had to be dropped. This damaged my business and subsequently damaged other businesses because I had to eliminate those bills. This will further trickle down to tailors, cleaners, my insurance broker, restaurants where I would have dined. Keep in mind, this is not just my business that they are losing, this scenario applies to hundreds of thousands of people. Do you know what that means? It means that YOU pay more money for everything! As you will soon realize.

Here is the part that you clearly need to understand if you are well intentioned and honestly attempting to give a reasonable response.
The successful people in these types of businesses do NOT contact customers and beg for work. That drives the price down to nothing.
Would most people hire the florist for their wedding if they came asking for work or would they hire the one who was almost impossible to get because they were the best? Trust me, the majority of people want to hire the best and sending a resume or contacting customers to ask for business is like begging someone to go on a date with you.

Now let’s add in something else. Contracts were postponed. Those people will flat out lose their deposits with zero recourse. Its not me screwing them, it’s L & I and I have made this clear to L & I.

Do you still feel that your answer is accurate?

Additionally, my post clearly asked a different question and that is, if the decision was made that we should all go out and work, shouldn’t the employees of L & I stop working remotely. I mean it’s safe now right? Is it safe for us, but not for them? I postulate that maybe they aren’t comfortable with the prospect of facing the people whose businesses and lives they just ruined.
@unbakedpegga I understand your situation completely. I also feel you are not understanding the purpose of the requirement or what it takes to fulfill it. I also think you are (understandably) exhibiting a very inside the box thinking about this.

I understand the issue of creative people and especially those associated with the event planning industry. But the fact remains, if you wish to stay on unemployment, you need to demonstrate that you are attached to the job market and you are actively doing what you can to get off of unemployment. For PUA self-employed people, that would be two things - do what you can to re-open your business and actively seek related or other PT work to supplement your income. This only needs to be done until Sept 6 2021 at the latest.

Most states are very open to considering just about anything you do to become FT employed and off unemployment. I have seen people do some rather cool things to keep active and stay busy, while possibly growing their business during the pandemic. It's funny you mention caricature artists. I actually "met" one on my FB UI page who needed PUA help. I helped her and it worked out but she had contacted a local assisted living facility and asked if she could send them some flyers offering to do free portraits for the residents. They loved the idea and she did a bunch and included her info and several family members commissioned her to do more work (via email). She felt great about doing something for the residents on total lockdown and was rewarded with some paying work.

But I think that was a perfect scenario. Though I do have wedding musicians who did record music for small wedding ceremonies, so they were thinking outside the box as well. They didn't "beg" for work, they simply let people know and maybe updated their websites to reflect that custom remote work was available.

Moving on though, because I am sure you will come up with a bunch of scenarios that I don't have exact examples of from the 10000 cases I have seen in the past year. Simply go to a website like ratracerebellion.com. They have vetted listings of remote work in absolutely every field and industry - worldwide. Literally something for everyone. Will you find something perfectly on point? Maybe. They might be looking for moderators for an online photography message board. They might be looking for remote harp teachers. You don't know unless you look. Besides that, you might find something you always wanted to do or learn about and apply for that. This takes maybe 30 minutes a week. You could have completed this requirement in the time it took you to post on Reddit. Seriously. I understand it seems pointless, but if you accept benefits, this is the rule. Even people who are on UI because of reduced hours with employers they have been with for decades have to fulfil this requirement. I promise, it is NOT that hard, just please do it.

No one expects self-employed people to shutdown their business. But at this point, people need to adapt to some degree. PUA ends soon regardless and this pushes people to truly evaluate their situation and see if the will be able to wait this out. It affords people the opportunity to find other streams of income as well. These requirements are not punishments unless you chose to see them that way.

I hope you will consider what I have written and it will help alleviate some of your anxiety and confusion about work search activities. Hang in there and let me know if you have follow up questions or concerns. Good luck to you.
@jamaix I apologize for the delay in my response. I’ve have a lot on my plate and still do now. I want to take the time to really focus properly on what you have written and reconcile it with my State’s requirements.

I want to thank you for taking the time to help me and to convey my sincere appreciation. I’m going to respond more thoroughly after I deal with other priorities. Would it be possible to PM you at some point? I’ll keep it brief because I know that you are helping many people.

Thank you

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