[New York] Can I be denied unemployment for not going into the office?

@ema20 They didn't say that. They should have been clear, one day a week, two days a week, etc. They wrote a contract and left that out? Wow, dumb.
@etienne92 I guess I feel sure the contract was weak, but that also the employee was being sneaky, and less than forthright and candid in their work. Why not just send an email saying you're only coming in once a month now? Answer, they assumed that wouldn't be allowed.
@etienne92 I feel you're going out of your way to find eligibility here. What will the OP say when they are asked why they only came in once a month after the move? How will they answer did they let anyone know the in-office hours would drop dramatically? You've made some fair points but you're giving many benefits of many doubts. 🥂
@etienne92 Right- But they didn't have a problem with it until the end of March the next year - which is when I coincidentally pissed the boss off by pointing out some inconsistencies that he didn't like pointed out. All of a sudden there was a problem with me working remote more than an entire quarter of the year later?

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