Election Results 2014: Market Watch and other Economic Indicators

Forex Rate Movement

1 USD - Rs. 59.29 (As on 15th May, 2014)

This should interest you NRI folks who send money home regularly. Since, August 2013, the rupee has appreciated by almost 10 rupees per dollar. If NDA forms the government as expected, we can expect to see a further appreciation. In which case, it will be expensive for you to send money. You will need to keep a hawk's eye view on the movement and capitalize on every dip that occurs because the long term expectations (assuming no shitty external factors hit us like they did in last year's currency crisis) with the NDA government are that the rupee will continue to appreciate to around 55 levels.

Even if the NDA doesn't form the government, the current RBI governor, Mr. Raghuram Rajan has vowed to not let the rupee depreciate any further. It is expected that he won't let it go beyond 62. So yeah, sucks for you guys. But take this with a grain of salt because we do not actually have the means to plug in a massive leak if the rupee goes on a downward spiral.

Assuming NDA forms the government, resist the panic to send money home if the rupee starts appreciating immediately. Wait for downward movements because the euphoria will wear off eventually. Capitalize on all downward trends then.
D-Day Update

1 USD - 58.86

Appreciation in the rupee as expected but only slightly. Not too much volatility seen here. Steady appreciation trend expected to continue.
@docrich Do you know why the rupee will appreciate and how Modi is going to help? What sort of economic reforms has he said he would make?

(I have almost zero economic knowledge, and I'd like to learn about this stuff)
@resjudicata If you want to learn about how forex rates move and have some time, you can try this link where I had attempted to do just that.

Now, about why/how the rupee is expected to appreciate, in very simple words, this is because the overall economic indicators such as fiscal deficit, etc are expected to improve. Combine that with the fact there is an overall improvement in confidence, leads to a situation wherein people will be more comfortable with not only keeping their money in rupee but also converting/investing via foreign currency into rupees. This will lead to an increase in demand for the rupee and thereby increase its value.

Here is a Business Standard article highlighting his economic vision

In short, he is focused on improving infrastructure of the country.
Stock Markets

Sensex: 23,905.60 and NIFTY: 7,123.15 (At closing on 15th May, 2014)

During the last general election in 2009, Congress won a greater than expected number of seats, and the Indian stock markets rose 17% over the two days following the election result. In the previous general election in 2004, when the BJP unexpectedly lost, the markets fell 17% over the two days after the election results.

Although volatility on election day has always been the norm. The way I see it, its all going to be about the NDA. 270 seats for NDA are already priced in. Shouldn't see more than 5-10% rise tomorrow if that happens. We can expect a slightly higher upside if they cross 300. Downside in the market if they get less than 230 seats and anything even lesser would mean Hide Yo Kids! Hide Yo Wife! from the stock market.

Why are the markets are so pro-NDA?

Well, its all about expectations really. But if you really want to get into it. A stable government will have more of a free-hand to enact its policies rather than be stymied down by a powerful opposition. But what sets NDA as the current flavour is their Centre-Right tendencies.

You see, over the last 10 years, we have witnessed what can be classified as Centre-left economic policies wherein there was a large scale enactment of Entitlement programs and other welfare policies.

People be pissed that we do such stuff when our fiscal deficit is so damn high (Fiscal Deficit, is in simple words, The excess of goverment expenditures over revenues. It was at 4.9 percent of the GDP during 2013-13. The original target was to have it no more than 3%. But shit happened.)

And then ofcourse, there's stuff like inflation that's been bothering us all and the low economic growth rate which has been bumming us out. The TL;DR of all of which is loss of faith in the current government.

Combine that with the fact that investors perceive Modi, as pro-business, market-friendly politician and a tough administrator, we have euphoria all around if he becomes the PM.

You already probably know that the Sensex and the NIFTY have been rising quite a bit these past few weeks. However, the buying of stocks was led primarily by foreign investors while domestic investors continued to be cautious. What domestic investors know all too well is that coalition politics in India can lead to unstable alliances, in which politicians with regional strongholds can block reform measures and threaten to pull out of the government at a moment’s notice. Which is probably why, domestic institutional investors have been net sellers in the market for nearly every month since September, except February. Also, low growth in the economy and high inflation has reduced confidence in the economy and shrunk the savings pool for domestic investors, leading to a more risk-averse attitude. These guys are likely to return to the Indian market only once the new government gets established with confidence improved.

What stocks to watch out for?

Remember first, a lot of analysts believe that the Sensex is currently overvalued at its present levels already. Even if it goes higher than 10% after elections, it is highly likely to come back down just as soon because people will start to book profits. The next couple of days will see quite a bit of volatility which will NOT be a reflection of fundamentals.

About timing the market on election day, I cannot help you here because I am not an active trader. Feel free to start a comment thread on stocks that you are watching out for.

In the long run though, I see a lot of analysts claiming to go bullish on banking and infrastructure stocks.

Assuming a stable government, we are looking at the Sensex reaching 25000 levels by the end of the year.
D-Day Updates

At closing bell on May 16th, 2014

Sensex: 24,121.74

NIFTY: 7203.00

Well, I'll be damned. We hit an all time high of 25397 and despite the news being 'exceeding expectations', it appears that people are cashing out. Only around 1% overall change in the markets since yesterday's closing. I am guessing this is because of the domestic investors but this will need verification. Could also be the FIIs who had been pumping money all along starting to cash out. Will update once I have this information.

We just might see another day of high volatility but it won't be as intense.

People invested in Banks have benefited greatly 4 of the 7 top contributers to the Sensex were Banks.

Worst hit were IT Companies.

Here is the sector-wise market map from NSE

Edit: People be bullish now. Some Expect Sensex to reach 28K-30K levels by year end.
@docrich Casual question: Assuming NDA strength remains the same, does anyone expect the market would care about the number of seats AAP gets? In other words, is AAP perceived as market-unfriendly?
@kelly7898 I know the American infotech stocks have been crashing as the FCC stepped closer to abolishing net neutrality, but I'm not sure if that's linked to our Indian Infotech stocks crashing
@kelly7898 Well, a lot of it right now is people feeling that there are better avenues (like Banking and Infra) to invest their money rather than remain in IT.

Another way of looking at it is, rupee is expected to appreciate further. IT Companies are net exporters and their competetiveness depends on cheaper rupee.
Another way of looking at it is, rupee is expected to appreciate further. IT Companies are net exporters and their competitiveness depends on cheaper rupee.

This coupled with the face that IT companies earn in USD, and if the Rupee gains strength means they get fewer Rs. to the USD. So for example.

If Infosys had a contract with some other company in the US or wherever for USD 1,000,000 which in August,2013 was Rs.6,50,00,000. The value is now much lesser.

This is why I believe whenever the INR gains strength, IT stocks tend to lose a little.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

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