Car illegally towed and damaged

@sourapplecider Yes, it's probably totaled.
Use your Insurance to file the claim.
You will get your deductible back as soon as your insurance company subragates against the other 2 insurance companies.
Make a note of all the parts you added in the list 12 months.
You will be able to use that list to get more money for your car if it's totaled.
However, only things like the water pump count, things like tires and batteries are wear items and they are suppose to be replaced on a vehicle. But if under a month old you can argue some of the value.
If the car has any add-ons that aren't factory they will raise the value too.
Get a rental car, if you don't have coverage, get 1 off the other 2 companies to pay.
Ultimately, the company that is responsible is the 1 that hit your car, but if your state does partial responsibility, both are as the car wouldn't have been in an accident unless it was illegally towed.
@sourapplecider You can go after the tow company and the driver. Your car is definitely totaled .. it wouldn’t take much damage for a 2008 car to be totaled bc it goes by what the vehicle is worth. The payout probably won’t be high bc even if you have new parts in the car the adjustments for that won’t equal what you paid for it. If you need this done quickly use your insurance and then they will fight to get money back from the other parties. If you go directly through the other party it could take some time.
@josephjourneyman The parking lot that my apartment complex requires a parking permit, apparently they were told to tow the car next to mine and it looked the same so they took my car, even though the parking pass is clearly there (pink pass in the 3rd photo).
@sourapplecider Hi there Total Loss claims Specialist here . A vehicle can be totally for many reasons. Just because its a TL does not mean you have to give them your car . You may Owner retain in many states which means they will find the Actual cash value for your vehicle and deduct a percentage before they pay you out. Now I would file against the Tow company because if not for them your car would not be there. Let them fight with the other driver. Now I would submit all invoices for major items replaced. They wont care about tires, oil changes stuff like that because those things need to be replaced for the maintenance of the vehicle. Hope this helps !

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