Am I allowed to do that?


New member
One scholar said, Intrest can be paid to Paid interest. Like fire will estunguish fire.
Q. Can I pay my phone bill, or gym membership from the money I get from my bank. (bank paying Coz money is held in my account) when I don't use gym, or mobile service when I am on holidays for 2-3 months?
I don't like paying for what I don't use. I don't think it's FAIR. Espacially when contract is for 1 year, you use it or you don't.
Also the same scholar said : we should see, what's more pleasing to Allah.
@asyaphari lol no.

You signed a contract to pay for all months. YOU decided to do that. If you don’t want to pay for the months you don’t use, then don’t sign up for those months.
@asyaphari Reading through the comments you seem like a willfully ignorant person trying to game the system and have the sin go on someone else for something you know is wrong.

-If you are so concerned with the interest the bank is giving you either move the money to a checking account or go to a bank without interest.

-You signed a contract to pay for access not for use, you must pay. Whether you used it or not.
@dmsnansdkfl Your last sentence makes perfect sense. So i set my ego aside and appreciate what you said. Now Pls Tell me why is it wrong to use the intrest money for the month I don't use it. Like for 2-3 months if I use intrest amount? Bank gave me intrest, I haven't asked for it. even told them not to give me, but they don't care. And I didn't used that amount yet, and kept it separate.
@asyaphari My dear brother, Allah made it haram upon us to consume or conduct in Usury. Depending on the country you live in it may be very difficult or impossible to go about not being involved in interest i.e a bank account that issues you interest. The scholars have agreed we can take that money and give it to charity as a means of not being punished for it.

There are many verses in the Quran where Allah advises us against any dealings with interest, he goes as far as saying the one who deals in riba has declared war upon Allah.

I would ask myself, “is the money I save by using interest worth the possibility of punishment ?”

The decision is up to you at the end of the day, may Allah reward you and guide you inshAllah!
@dmsnansdkfl Is the money I save by using interest worth the possibility of punishment. This made sense and other brother, who commented selling but not consuming alcohol is equally harram. I wanted to use Riba gains to pay for the services charges I didn't consumed. Other then that I always avoid, and that was the reason I asked this question, rather then using my halal money, I saved that, and use Riba money.
@asyaphari I've never heard this. And what do you mean paying for things you don't use? That's why you weigh up the cost of paying monthly or annually, is it cheaper id you did only when used eg pay as you go phones or cheaper if you did it annually

And when does fire extinguish fire?
@saram Means Intrest is fire and you will pay interest if you don't pay your subscription on due date, so in that case one fire will enstungish the other one. Here issue is I am going on holidays, so won't use it at all. But still need to pay. So rather then paying from my halal money, I pay them using the intrest money.
@saram I need the correct opinion here, not what I think matters if it's not correct. I need to someone to make sense. And explain. I still haven't get the answer, why is sharia complaint halal when someone on the Income is completely haram.
@asyaphari I'm qualified in Islamic finance and haven't heard of that being allowed.

The not paying for stuff when not using it is not fun but part of the deal when buying something for a year. If I buy a season travel card, it's cost equivalent of 10.5 months instead of 12 monthly ones....but I don't care if I travel everyday

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