24 yo | ~42K savings | retirement advice

@paulotarsus I agree with you, but because I’m barely paying any rent the current situation is very profitable for me. I already am a bit aggressive about getting pay raises and know seniors in my company are earning 110k base as well, I’m already on a track to get there in like 1.5 years or so. I did go breadth wise first to find out what niche I want and now that I know I’m going to be doing cloud only, I’ll just specialize in this domain even more.
@amethyst86purple Cloud won’t take you to the most prestige (and often most paying) companies. And it looks like you’re into that kind of employers. Bit tech Silicon Valley companies don’t care about your AWS skills.
@ignatz I get what you mean, I just used the broad umbrella term but my exact title is quite niche and doesn’t involve just writing aws lambdas. But I definitely understand.
@wolfeagleking I personally consider myself really lucky that I so much freedom. There are no fixed working hours, completely remote, no one asks why your slack was offline etc. hope it stays like this in tech.
@amethyst86purple What profession are you doing, if I may ask?

That emergency fund seems very small, especially compared with the other investments. It might be a bit naive to put so much trust in the Jobcenter'shelp in case you are between jobs. Also, there might be other types of emergencies, like some family one, that might force you to go abroad or incur some extra expenditures that will deplete those reserves in a blink. Selling or closing positions is an option, but it might not be the optimal at that given time.
@alexander5106954665 I’m doing cloud through and through!

Yes, in my friend’s case the JobCenter was quick enough to send some dough. But true, if I have to catch a flight back home it will won’t be enough, otherwise for just living here it will last. I will upsize it now I think.

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