personal finance

  1. A

    Entitled to interest on backpay?

    I have just started a new job, and am being underpaid to the tune of about $10k - $15k a year. My qualifications need to be assessed before my pay step is determined, I've heard this can take weeks, in some cases a couple of months. I have been assured by all that I will receive my backpay...
  2. C

    Working in Brunei

    I might just ask it here before its too late Currently im working as gov Doctor, earn about 5-6k/month, which will increase to 7-8k/month in October. Working as Occupational Health Doctor need to be competitive in terms of experience and certificate. I also plan to take master for master in...
  3. K

    Seeking FIRE - keep/sell Tesla

    Hey everyone. I’m hoping for some genuine input from folks that invest in real estate. The overarching goal for my wife and I is to be financially independent within 11 years at most, O3-E. We currently have a property that is a short-term rental that is doing quite well and we want to continue...
  4. M

    24 years Old, £30k salary, £50k+ Savings/ISA, Plan 2 Student Loan. South Wales. Need financial advice

    Hi, throwaway to not give out my finances to anyone i potentially know. First post so let me know if it needs adjusting. First off, here is a breakdown of my current finances: Salary: £30,000 p/y + £1000 bonus. Should increase yearly (~5%). Pension Payments: 12% (£3600 p/y, £300 p/m...
  5. L

    Traditional v medical retirement with VA benefits

    I have a soldier in my reserve unit who has more than 20 years in the army reserve..she is already at 100% p&t. She is telling people to do a medical retirement over the traditional retirement because One starts to collect reserve pension soon after they retirement. It's not taxed because she...
  6. J

    Contract or Permanent Roles?

    I’m about to leave the military after 20 years. Located in Canberra and am trying to weigh up the pros/cons of a permanent role or contracting. With my clearance, education and skillset it seems I could land positions that are: Perm: 170-179k base Contract: 115-120 p.h (1000ish a day) I’d...
  7. Y

    People who build their wealth from scratch, how did u do it?

    May I know your insights/experience about building your wealth?
  8. T

    Power bill rates - what is a fair rate NSW?

    Ok so I know everyone is suffering with bill shock, but my issue is trying to work out what a fair price per kWh? Update, sorry 32.26 cents per kWh. Autoemail the provider sent out gave me a total bum steer. Quotes only one rate for some top up thing but has nothing to do with our actual plan...
  9. J

    Thanks to you all, I’m in a good place. Take a look at my situation (E-7) and help me plan my next steps!

    Situation married E-7 (14 years in), wife works but won’t when we PCS in the fall. Two kids under 5, both have access to the GI bill. Finances Investments: Roth TSP: $178,000 Roth IRA (me): $31,000 Roth IRA (her): $49,000 403B (her): $22,000 529: $16,000 Cash Checking: $1100 Savings...
  10. K

    Looking for Guidance/Advice

    I’m a 19 year old full time student studying buisness information systems but also work a full time job where I earn €22 per hour and work 36 hours per week. Roughly 700 P/W after tax. I am looking for advice on how to manage my money because I understand that I am a relatively high earner with...
  11. M

    37m - what can I do better

    New job took a paycut making 100k. 401k match on first 4 percent which I am doing 330k brokerage 215k rollover 130k Roth - put in 500 a month 9k - ibonds No loans or car payments . Renting rn for 2300/month Cc debt is like 1200/mo Single no kids Friends have purchased homes in last two...
  12. C


    I have prior military and federal employment. I’m now at a state level job and no longer contributing to my TSP. I’m in my 40s. How should I invest since I’m not contributing anymore? Is the 60/20/20 C S I still a good route for me at my age and not contributing? It’s been 100% L the whole time.
  13. B

    Getting a home loan - use bond agent or not? Pay full deposit up front?

    Hi guys. So my fiancé and I are buying a home soon. It’s a R1.6 mil house + R300k-ish deposit. I’ve been getting mixed advice regarding if I should use a bond agent to approach the banks or not. Bond agent The advice I got so far is that the agent can apply to multiple banks, give you...
  14. T

    Can I cancel Telus internet contract early without penalty on grounds of introduced credit card fees which I didn't agree to in contract?

    TLDR EDIT: You would have to pay the cancellation fee and pursue reimbursement through small claims court which is debatable if you would win or even have a case. However, you can negotiate a credit to your account or monthly discount to offset the credit card transaction fee even when locked...
  15. N

    Tax declaration with a net worth over 80k | B permit

    hey guys, as I have reached a net worth of 80k( and will probably be at around 100k-120k until end of year) I am wondering whether I will have to do a tax declaration starting this year. -Up until now I haven’t done any tax declarations since I am 3 years in Switzerland with a B permit and...
  16. K

    Beginner with little to no financial education wants to know the best advice you can provide

    Hello everyone, I'[M] a 30yo european artist. I was raised by financially uneducated parents, so am I today. My only one income comes from work (20k/year, expect it to raise with experience). I decided I want to build my own investment portfolio and create a side hustle to fund it. I'm not a...
  17. H

    Noticed multiple Fixed Saver Account products with 4.x% interest rate in market .Does this reflect something tied to UK Economy/Housing Market?

    Layman here, I have come across a lot of banks coming up with these savings products for existing current account users . At the same time I do see lot of resale properties prices being slashed by £10-50K. New houses are now being offered with lot more financial & non financial incentives . So...
  18. I

    Aiming to retire in 7 years, cash or S&S ISA?

    I'm aiming to retire in 7 years from now (currently 53). Already maxing out pension contributions, looking to build a fund outside of that. Any advice for next tax year, whether to go all in to S&S ISA or settle for literally building cash reserves?
  19. A

    How to invest 12L

    Hey experts, I am writing on behalf of my sister. So, my sister, who is 42 years wants to invest 12L. She does not have any idea about finances, very basic knowledge.... Mostly she knows only FD and RD. She is not even keen to understand the other financial products such as mutual funds. She...
  20. R

    3-6 months emergency fund

    How much should I have saved up in an emergency fund? Iearn 4900 per month and I am able to save around 2000-2500 and spend 2400-2900. Now, should I have 3-6 months saved up based on what I earn or on what I spend? Beside around 12k in investments I have an overdraft of 4.3k that I can use if...