personal finance

  1. H

    Comparing AIB fixed term deposit account with State Savings (3 years)

    I wanted to compare these as investment vehicles for savings that will not be needed for 2-3 years. I know that & other alternatives offer better rates (4%) but I also know that there is a grey area around their deposit protection. I already invest in VWCE via degiro but am looking for...
  2. S

    2.7% interest rate to 6-7%, how bad is that?

    I purchased my first home in 2017 with the intent of fixing it up a little bit and then upgrading. Since my interest rate is 2.7% I've held off during all this chaos. I still really want to upgrade because I got a promotion at work and some issues this house has would take more money than...
  3. S

    Hey everyone of r/FinancialPlanning!

    So, I'm 20, about to take on a very small mortgage of 80k after putting 20k down on the apartment I'll be buying with my girlfriend, and I'm curious as to what you all would suggest when it comes to savings accounts. I currently have a savings account set aside for emergencies that I don't...
  4. O

    Investing in S&P 500 when it's only making 1.7%?

    (Title should say 1.17%) Is it worth investing in S&P500 when it's got roughly the same return as my savings account? Also - is it ever worth investing in it short-term (up to 1 year)? EDIT: Thanks guys - turning off reply notifs on this now because I've got my answer, feel free to keep...
  5. L

    Parents have £10,000 left on mortgage but can’t get a new one

    I was hoping people could help. My parents currently have £10,000 left on their mortgage and are on standard variable 8.74%ish They’ve been on this rate for a while and I only just realised and talked to them about switching to a fixed rate. When they’ve contacted Halifax they’ve been told...
  6. C

    Capital Gain on stocks

    Hi all, I was watching this video - At 8:44 mark, he talks about the tax breakdown for dividends vs capital gains. Dividend - 6.39% tax Capital Gains - 14.83% tax 10k dividend - $638 tax 10k capital gain - $247 tax The stock went from 100k - 120k (20k capital gain). Capital gain is...
  7. M

    I’m racking my brain thinking about how I might want to modify my 401k allocations. Is 50% S&P 500 and 50% Total World Stock Index decent?

    Right now I have 45% S&P 500, 20% mid, 20% small, 15% international, but I’m thinking my new strategy might be better?
  8. L

    Mature age (40) return to study. Financial implications

    Considering returning to study a psychology degree at age 40. I know it takes 6 years to be registered. I have no debt, kids or dependants. I do rent and have a good deal at $390 p/W. Around 250k liquid at the moment. I am wondering if this is going to screw me in the future? Main reason I am...
  9. B

    401k election questions

    Hello Reddit. I’m looking for suggestion on how to better allocate my contributions to 401k considering retirement date in 30 years. Here is what I can choose from: Bond Investments Income FID INFL PR BD IDX Bond Investments Income FID INVST GR BD Bond Investments Income J H DEV...
  10. S

    Duit Kahwin 50k in 3 Years?

    Hi Guys, i'm 23 y/o. Currently im working in construction industry. Earn around 3.6k /month .Im planning to simpan 50k within 3years. So i need to simpan around RM 1388 month. Its any shorcutor compounding tips from u guys? Now i ingat nak saving dalam Versa which giving me 4% p/a.Any other...
  11. A

    Is there a point in being thrifty anymore?

    Hi all, Dont get me wrong, we should save and avoid unnecessary expenses as much as possible, but with double digit inflation, is there any point in the ascetic monk-like life Ive been living? E.g. I wanted to buy a kitchenaid last year, but I didnt because its not REALLY necessary and I have...
  12. L

    PSA: Don't use TurboTax. It's not free for military anymore

    TLDR: Don't use TurboTax because it's not free. Use Military One Source H&R Block (free!). I've always used TurboTax to file my tax even though I was aware of this but when I used, it always came out to $0 at the end...
  13. T

    50k to invest

    Hello I have some 50k that I plan to use to pay taxes in 6-8 months from now. What is my best option to make them grow a littlet during such a short period?
  14. A

    Child ISA Fund All World vs S&P

    I have a fund in my isa for my child, should I go All World or S&P etf, either VUAG or FWRG Im pretty sure the answer is all world, its just hard to ignore the returns of S&P in the last decade
  15. C

    TSP Allocation: For all the people GIVING advice on this sub

    This is addressed to the members of this community who give out advice on TSP allocation strategies. This is a really important topic, and I think the community might be suffering under a status quo that maybe hasn't been challenged. This observation is just what I've seen over the past few...
  16. B

    S&P at 6 month highs. Another lesson on not trying to time the market

    This sub had lots of people in the latter part of last year talking about how they had gone to cash, or how they were sure that things would go lower because there’s so much bad news. Where are we now, we’ll that bad news is still about however as was the case last October that bad news was...
  17. O

    Where to place 6 months buffer?

    I've seen it said a few times in this forum that we should keep a 6 months monthly expenses buffer before even considering investing. So my question then is, where should we place the 6 months buffer? My thoughts are that: The 1st three months buffer should be in something that yields interest...
  18. R

    Interest Rate Cuts: Leaders to Laggers

    SWITZERLAND The Swiss National Bank started leading the race to cut rates by 0.25%. Traders are betting on another cut in June. Current interest: 1.5% and Inflation: 1.4% 2) SWEDEN Riksbank's 1st rate cuts on Wednesday's meeting. Reduced by 0.25%. Current interest: 3.75% and Inflation: 2.3%...
  19. J

    Bonds or saving account (1.9% p.a.)?

    Hi, I'm planning an investment to 60% stocks (VWCE) and 40% bonds. The bonds part is there to reduce risks/volatility. In my country I have an option to have a saving account with 1.9% p.a. interest rate - after taxes. This may ofc change, but expect that this rate will stay at least for a...
  20. O

    Should i accept l the LOC offer from RBC even if i don’t need it?

    I got pre-approved for a royal credit line for $15,000 at RBC prime +4.49% 25f, never had a line of credit before, not sure how it works either. Is it better to accept the offer even if i don’t need it?