personal finance

  1. J

    PC points, gas discount

    I just filled up my car at an Esso station. Price at pump said 142.9 c/L. I redeemed some PC points to get a supposed 10c/L off. Pump shows I put in 53.578L for $72.56, or 135.4 c/L, saving me about 7.5c/L, not 10. Am I missing something? Or do they just lie? I wanted to print a receipt but it...
  2. M

    25 Y/O Male in NYC - Planning budget/retirement

    25 y/o male living in NYC making $76K at a fortune 500 company. There is good opportunity for a promotion in the 9-12 month range and great visibility in my role now. my post tax monthly take home is about $4800. I contribute to get the max company match on my 401(k), about $760/month, current...
  3. F

    Do you trust AI in trading on European financial markets (Discussion and Survey)

    Hi r/eupersonalfinance, Im part of a team of computer and data scientists from a university in Copenhagen aiming to apply our knowledge and competences on the stock-market. Therefore we created KurmAI. We are hoping to learn more about whether retail investors trust AI in the stock market...
  4. F

    Wire, Personal v.s. Business

    Title should have been individual vs business I am waiting for a response back from TD if they ever respond back. The recipient I am wiring money to has a business account managed by the Small Business Service center. They said that even though it's a business account it's held by an...
  5. B

    Important Things to Consider When Shopping For a Car and When It's Okay To Buy a New One

    (TLDR - The best thing you can do financially when shopping for a car is to buy a reliable used car) If reading isn't your thing, here's a video I made covering the same subject Buying a car is an important financial decision, which is why it absolutely never makes financial sense to buy a new...
  6. M

    Seeking Career Advise: Banking v Consulting

    Hi everyone, before jumping into it, here's some context. I'm a single Chinese guy that's close to 30. I've got no debts, really just driving an old hand-me-down car, renting in KL. I'm currently working in one of the top consulting firms for my specialty. I'm currently deciding between these 2...
  7. 3

    18(M) Stressed about future

    I’m currently in my second semester of my freshmen year of college and I feel behind compared to the people around me. I have a son due in in early June and I’m struggling to see the other side. I’ve been blessed to have my mother pay for my 4 years completely so I know I won’t ever have to...
  8. E

    Bug while switching PFM's in NPS

    Hello guys. I am an NPS Tier-1 subscriber via the NSDL Protean portal. I want to switch my PFM and make it look like the following: (1) ICICI Prudential Fund Manager for Equity - 50% (E) (2) HDFC Pension Mgt. PFM for Corporate - 30% (C) (3) LIC Pension Fund PFM for Government Securities - 20%...
  9. L

    Walang nananalo sa sugal

    This should serve as a lesson lalo n s mga nag iisip. My crypto assets are under performing kaya sinubukan ko sabong. Napaka dali na lang kasi mag cash in/out lalo n connected sa Gcash. tapos nandun pa Gsave ko. Total lost amounting to 20K na siguro in a span of 3 mos. Controlled na yan...
  10. P

    Mid-term investing before property purchase

    Dear all, Long time follower of the sub, I would like your opinion on the following situation. My partner (32F) and I (29M) live in Switzerland and are putting money aside. We looked at investment options (banks, robo-advisors, etc...) and came across the Boglehead approach and decided to take...
  11. G

    Would a business account be of more benefit?

    Morning all. I’m currently working remotely/ online as a freelancer. I do also have a few businesses as well as an online business which are slow and have not yet taken off. None of my businesses are registered yet and all currently trade under one/ similar names. I’d like to find out if it...
  12. K

    People getting pressured because there's a lot of 6-7 figure earners here

    Hi, I just noticed that there are people talking about members on our Sub saying that almost most members are earning six figures here (which is not true) I believe majority still earns below that and lurk around, however most active members are the ones earning above. "there's a lot of 6-7...
  13. B

    Maxed out TFSA, RRSP & FHSA Q&A

    Howdy! I have just maxed out all three accounts for the year and I will continue to contribute the maximum amount to a defined contribution plan at work on an annual basis, plus a HISA. I’m single, currently rent in Quebec, do not have any debt or any dependents and travel quite often for...
  14. M

    HSA basics—what you wish you would have known sooner

    Just starting out with researching HSAs—what’s your best advice? Hi all 👋 I am in the beginning stages of working through the prime directive steps from r/personalfinance and have now gotten to the HSA step and it seems like quite a learning curve on this one. I’m a federal employee and I...
  15. M

    I end up owing so much tax. Trying to remain positive, yet none of my coworkers have to pay that much

    Living in Los Angeles, since 2022 I worked a bunch of jobs, 1099 apps and temp gigs agencies. No health insurance either. I made like 28k from the 1099 apps doing catering work and about 2-3k from W-2 agencies that didn't withhold any tax. 2023, I wasn't doing financially well so I didn't pay or...
  16. D

    Landlord dilemma

    I have a rental property with the same, excellent tenants in place for a decade. They pay me about 50% below the current market rate, which has been enough for me to cover the mortgage, and I've o my increased the rent (by a small amount) once in the entire period. There's a tracker mortgage on...
  17. N

    Any experience with appealing Wise?

    Wise banking which we used for 6 years with zero issues, out of nowhere decided that one of my businesses - video game services, is not allowed per their T.o.S, and has closed all my accounts with all my savings and available money. Not just one business, but all my 5 different small businesses...
  18. C

    How much do I federally withhold for taxes from my retirement pay?

    I just retired this month and I am trying to figure out how much money to withhold from my retirement pay for Federal taxes so I don't get a surprise at the end of the year. I live in a state that doesn't tax military pensions. I also have two children. My situation is as follows: Myself: -...
  19. T

    Foods that cheer you up when you can not afford much food

    I posted this in a response to a comment on another subreddit but the OP was a bot I guess and their post was removed. I figured this is an important enough lift to share with people to also post it here in its own topic. Anyway here is my list and I look forward to seeing what others come up...
  20. P

    SRB and CP

    Dumb question. I'm currently navy. I'm starting down the barrel of a continuation pay(CP) Bonus. I understand that there is a 4 year requirement to get the max amount. (I don't know what the full amount is as the navy instruction does not clarify but I know it's between 2.5-13x my base pay.) I...