personal finance

  1. P

    defeatist attitude

    in r/australia, such comments a. I am not successful because my parents worked blue collar jobs b. I cannot get ahead because my dad beat up my mum c. I struggle with cost of living because I didnt get a fat inheritance d. blah blah blah, we need socialism in reality. many folks are self...
  2. B

    Allowed myself a £1K 'Fun" Trading Pot, not good for future habits!

    95% of my investments are in index funds of the type heavily recommended here. However I wanted to try created a few of my own investenent pies etc so allowed a £1K budget to scratch that itch. I put £100 each into the Vanguard Global and S & P 500 as measuring sticks then created somes pies...
  3. L

    Roth Conversion at age 22

    So I have a question if this would be smart or not. I recently left my first job and will be starting a new one shortly. I’m 22 at the moment and have about 3k in the 401k from old employer. My Roth IRA contributions were a little less (due to tickets and other surprises) at around 1.5k thus...
  4. B

    Retail sales drop 2.7%

    Another good indicator of a rate cut please.\~:text=Australian%20retail%20turnover%20fell%202.7,per%20cent%20in%20October%202023.
  5. T

    To change careers or not ?

    I am a 29 y/o male, about a year married with a new born. I love my family, hence why I keep thinking how I can better my future. Consequently they’ll have a better one too if I do. Little back story. I’ve been working at seafood wholesalers for the past 9 years in NY. It is not a bad job, I...
  6. S

    Is Cash ISA w/5% interest a better investment than a FTSE Global All Cap S&S ISA?

    Hi all, I'll try and keep it short. I've been using a SIPP/S&S ISA via Vanguard for around 2 years at this point. I'm happy with it and I put in a fairly healthy amount in my S&S ISA each month now. My Dad basically has a Cash ISA with TSB where he puts in £20,000 and they give you a set...
  7. S

    Help with investing

    I have inherited 150,000e which I do not need any time soon. I intend to hold and to have regular contribution of at least 100e for next 40y. I have asked for help on Croatian r/financije sub, and this is only "proper" answer I got, 150,000.00€ Instrument percentage price...
  8. T

    Did eTrade screw up here? UPDATE

    Original post. Vindication time! eTrade has reversed the $38 fee. I finally got in touch with the Business Librarian where I work and asked my question. He helped me determine that the organization with whom I would file a complaint if eTrade had not reversed the fee was FINRA, not the SEC...
  9. J

    Having a hard time getting a car loan

    EDIT: thanks for the advice guys, I’ll look into cheaper. Hi guys, long story short, I applied for a 36k loan for a new car, I fell under the necessary income line and asked if my mum could go guarantor, they informed us that guarantors don’t exist anymore. So mum has tried to put the loan in...
  10. C

    25 y.o. Getting $15,000 gift from grandmother’s estate. Help me be responsible with it

    As the title says - my grandmother is in poor health so my folks have taken over her estate and finances. She had a fair amount saved away so in order to make something with her taxes easier or cheaper or something (I’m not positive the exact reason) each of the grandkids is getting a $15,000...
  11. S

    What am I missing? Tax planning Q

    So client who’s 90yo, networth roughly 1M and declining health. Accountant called with client saying client has 40k in carry forward losses and he wants me to realize 40k in gains so the losses aren’t wasted if client passes. While I agree the losses would be wasted if client passes and the...
  12. T

    Ideas to increase my revenue

    Hi guys, I’m 22 years old, I came to Switzerland almost 2 years ago alone ( from Portugal) so i didn’t have much options to chose the work i wanted so i was obligated to work in construction until now. I’m currently looking to change but it’s difficult because i don’t have any CFC or major...
  13. S

    Calculating interest on a mortgage

    Let's take in a 10.000 euro mortgage with a fixed interest rate of 2,5%, where the interest is non-compound, and there is a 5-year repayment period. In year 1 there will be a payment of 2.000 euros going towards paying the principal (10.000 euros / 5 years). There will also be an interest of...
  14. S

    Where to put money owed to my in-laws in 7 years

    Last year, my in-laws gave us 6% of the purchase price for our house ($35,400) with the understanding that we give them 6% of the sale price when we sell or in 7 years, whichever is first. Our house is now valued at 625k so we owe them $37,500 and this will continue to rise most likely. I think...
  15. M

    Brokers for DCA with 300 eu p/m

    Hi everybody, after learning a lot on here, i have set up an emergency fund and want to put the rest of my savings into some etf’s like VWCE and AGGU. I would like to do this by dollar cost averaging and putting in about €300 p/m. I read that de Giro would be the cheapest broker to do this...
  16. S

    Crying this EOFY. Anyone else?

    26F, working 2 jobs, 7 days a week. Opened ATO to see $18k tax withheld - initial thoughts “ok maybe I’ll get a little back”, then proceeded to have a mental breakdown after seeing estimated tax amount owing of $6.3k. Compulsory Higher Education Loan repayment being $4.7k. Really feeling that...
  17. D

    Buying a house and wondering if this is a mistake?

    Me 30 & my wife 26 are buying a house new build worth $930k in Waikato on a family income of $180k with 10% deposit. Looking at mortgage of roughly $842k with 0.75% LEM added. I am getting a bit of cold feet as we would only be able to save $1000 a month tops after paying mortgage, rates, bills...
  18. A

    Do markets already factor in the coming recession?

    When you see lots of articles such as for Australia or saying a...
  19. P

    Opinion on investing in few stocks for medium term as opposed to depositing into a saving account

    Hello everyone, Suppose, someone is maxed out their pension. And save up to about 500 Euros a month in a savings account. The irony is savings accounts don’t yield much return. Therefore, would it be reasonable to invest about 100 Euros/ month in few stocks (E.G. a pie like option in...
  20. A

    Conflicting answers between 2 AIs on interest gained from monthly vs at maturity

    Hi all, I'm getting conflicting results between ChatGPT and Gemini when I ask the same question. I was wondering if anyone can help clarify which is the correct answer? The question asked was if i have $250,000 in my savings account, and i have a choice between 6.15% interest compounding out...