Two polices - Rental Coverage w/One - Collision w/the other?


New member
Ok so unintentionally I have overlapping auto insurance polices and I got into a single vehicle accident.

I filed with the co w/the $500 deductible instead of the $1000, however the $1000 policy is the one with Rental Coverage...

Is there a legal way for me to make the collision claim with $500 company and then somehow just get the rental coverage from $1000 deductible company?
@reevanraja I suspect one or both policies have an "other insurance clause." This is a clause found in liability insurance policies which establishes how loss is to be apportioned among insurers when more than one policy covers the same loss.

There are three types of other insurance clauses: pro-rata, escape, and excess.

Each insurer will pay its proportional share of the loss based on total available policy limits.

An insurer will have no liability to the insured when other insurance coverage is available.

The insurer will be liable only after the exhaustion of the limits of any other applicable insurance.

You should review your policies to determine whether they contain an other insurance clause, and if so, the type of clause.
@reevanraja Typically, rental reimbursement only applies for a covered loss. I’ve never seen a carrier who would cover that if you didn’t file the claim with them.
Also, they are totalling out my vehicle and I'm very unhappy with the amount...I plan to contest the figure w/"company A" by providing my own comparables. If I'm still unhappy with the result, is there any sort of option where I can use 'company B" to get a "2nd opinion" on whether the damages do in fact exceed the vehicle's value and if so the amount of the proposed payout?
@mike331 Since both the policies are legit/current, I've read often times they will negotiate amongst themselves and basically split the cost of the claim... which can apparently delay things and even cause you to end up with less... it's the flip side of that I'm focused on.

This is assuming I've told company A about B and vice versa...

What if i opened a claim at to get the potential payout amount and if it wasn't to my liking I cancelled the claim?
@reevanraja Without knowing each company’s policy, I can say this —

Is it possible to withdraw a claim? Definitely, insureds to it all the time, but that’s generally in cases of fraud (which doesn’t apply here, based on what you’re describing) or if they had originally opened with a 3rd party carrier and then want to go with their own.

There’s nothing that stops you from withdrawing a claim, but I can say that it might throw red flags up and trigger an underwriting investigation.

I think this is YMMV based on the two carriers, but I hope you’re able to get it taken care of in a way that works out!!
@reevanraja I will give you this piece of advice —

For whichever company does not cover the claim, talk to them to see if they will backdate cancelling the policy at all if you show them proof of double coverage. That might get some extra cash in your pocket, to help offset some of the out of pocket.

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