Trade Republic: what do the costs in the cost information document mean?


New member
Hello everyone. Recently had a look at the "cost information" document in my ETF savings plan that I have had for almost 5 years.
Can someone explain what the cost breakdown means? I was under the impression that savings plans had no fees so what are the costs product costs represented in the following?

Translation below:

"Die Gesamtkosten des Sparplans, die Uu zu zahlen hast, setzen sich aus den jeweiligen Kosten des Wertpapierkaufs pro Sparplanausführung, den Kosten während d. der Hattedauer und den Kosten des Wertp ertpapierverkaufs zusammen. Bei einer angenommenen Haltedauer von fünf Jahren belaufen sich die voraussichtlichen Gesamtkosten für Eich auf 31.25 EUR und reduzieren Deine Rendite um durchschnittlich 0,17 % pro Jahr. Die tatsächlichen Kosten können davon abweichen (z.B. bei kürzerer Haltedauer)."

The total costs of the savings plan that you have to pay are made up of the respective costs of buying securities per savings plan execution, the costs during the holding period and the costs of selling securities. Assuming a holding period of five years, the expected total costs for Eich amount to EUR 31.25 and reduce your return by an average of 0.17% per year. The actual costs may differ (e.g. if the holding period is shorter).

Thank you!

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