My dad says to switch to L 2020 funds for a year


New member
My dad took a look at all the TSP funds and wants me to switch 100% to L 2020 funds for a year because he thinks the market will go down. His GF is an accountant and disagrees. However, they both agree to change to lower the I fund from 25% to 10% and put 15% more into C fund. What do you think?
@kevin_01 Your dad is trying to time the market. The entire point of the lifecycle funds is that you aren't going to time the market.

The real question: do you think your dad is an economic expert who can accurately predict stock market crashes?
@kevin_01 Out of curiosity, what's your composition now?

I'm debating on adjusting my composition as well. However, I'm currently solely in L2050. Debating on being more aggressive during rough times as to be in a better position longer term.
@kevin_01 Don't change your investment strategy based on short-term possibilities. Your retirement is a long-term investment, and shouldn't be affected by media hype. I'm guessing you are not anywhere near retirement age if your dad is giving you investment advice. You should check out JL Collins' stock series to get a better idea of how markets work and what you should really be doing with your TSP.

If you invested all your money in an index fund right before the 2008 crash and just left it all in there you would still have doubled your money by now. If you pulled out and waited until it felt safe to get back in you wouldn't have gained nearly as much, depending on how long you waited. We've had lots of "a crash is coming" media scares since then, and will continue to have them. if you get out every time the media talks about a coming crash you will never build your retirement. The market will crash at some point, and it will come back up. Those who try to time the market end up losing money and gaining a ton of stress.

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