MB turns 1! ABS resumes trading; MPI profit tanks (Monday, May 18)


New member

Happy Monday, Barkada --​

On Friday, the PSE closed down 113 points to 5,542 [▼2.0%].​

Lots of thanks to give, as so many people reached out with comments and suggestions over the weekend! First, thank you to /@lazuli for the support and the suggestion for a "Pandemic Resiliency Index." Great idea. I'm going to look into that. Shout out to /@jonathanedwards for seeing how MB can help those who are new to the world of investing. I'm no guru, but it never hurts to know the news!

Thanks also to Ken, Joseph, and /@billybob67 for their emails of support, and for their questions and comments that have caused me to think about some upcoming content. Cheers!

Daily meme

COVID Update​

WW:  4799266  ▲1%
PH:  12513  ▲2%

Top 3 MB indices:​

 POGO Gaming ▲4.25%
 Telco       ▲1.77%
 Media       ▲0.96%

Bottom 3 MB indices:​

 #COVID-19   ▼4.79%
 POGO Prop.  ▼3.35%
 D30 Targets ▼1.87%

Main stories covered:​

  • Merkado Barkada celebrates its 1-year anniversary. Thank you to all for reading, contributing, and making this community better every day.
  • ABS-CBN resumes trading today after responding to the PSE’s request for additional info
  • Metro Pacific Investments posts Q1 net income drop of 46% y/y
  • Universal Robina cuts capex by 25 to 37.5% to “preserve cash”
  • San Miguel to offer free mass testing in “poor” areas

About Merkado Barkada​

Merkado Barkada is a daily email newsletter covering all the stocks, bonds, companies, characters, and issues that make up the Philippine Stock Exchange. I don't make any money from MB, I don't use affiliate links or anything to trick people, and I don't sell email addresses for quick pesos. I simply like researching news and writing about current events in a way that helps my friends, family, and barkada to understand more easily what is happening.

Join our Barkada here

Read today's full email here

@lilbithmb Happy anniversary MB! I must say I've expanded my knowledge on finance/business (my field being on the far end of this matter) since I started subscribing to you. I have been intimidated by stocks and the corporate world but reading your posts regularly have increased my interest in it and made my battle with numbers less challenging. Kudos to you sir!
@jeyaraj Thanks, /@jeyaraj. That's really great to hear, because lacking that familiarity with the material is a big stumbling block for a lot of people. Let me know if there are any areas that I should also cover!
@jordanbanks Thanks /@jordanbanks!

I have bigger plans for MB, but they're constrained by human things like "time", and by also human things like "money." The newsletter as it is costs about $100/month because of Mailchimp. I'm always looking to reach more people, but I'm also trying to figure out a way to be revenue neutral (or nearer to it).

As for the time aspect, I usually start adding features to MB as soon as I figure out how to automate some part of it. The biggest change was writing a script to automatically inject all of the stock data "[ABS 100.00 +5.00%]" into my writing. That used to REALLY chop up my brain to pause and check the quote.

I'd like to do a MWF Youtube, or dig much deeper into the quarterly results than I currently do. I'd like to do a segment on alternative investments (FMETF, SeedIn, MP2)... I'd like to do a lot more de-mystifying.

For now, I just hope to reach more people.
@lilbithmb Is there a way to pin your daily posts up the sub so that this is the 2nd post (after Please Read the FAQs) people see when they log in


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