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With progressive and they sent me a notice saying my insurance was cancelled effective 3/10 b/c I didn’t provide more information. I got into an accident 3/30 at 4am.. I got a new policy as soon as I was able later that day and the agent said my insurance was effective 3/30 at 12:01, so she said I could file a claim and helped me do so. Will my claim eventually be denied?

I plan on calling tomorrow to see if they can reinstate my old policy because I didn’t see the notice from them asking for more information— it was an honest mistake/error but I cannot afford to pay for a 40k car that’s totaled..

Edit: I’m just gonna pay the 14k out of pocket
@henrysamuel The accident occurred before you had new coverage. If you try to claim that the accident had not yet happened when you applied for the new coverage, that is misrepresentation and insurance fraud, which at best will get your claim denied and your new coverage canceled, and at worst could result in criminal prosecution.

You were uninsured for this accident. There is no legal way around that. Trying to get it covered by breaking the law will only land you in deeper trouble. You were given plenty of notice to replace your coverage. This is an expensive lesson. Don't make it worse.
@former32%C2%B0mason I am not trying to commit fraud, which is why I asked a question clarifying if got into an accident at 4am would that be covered. The representative said yes and helped me file a claim. I was honest when I said it occurred at 4am on 3/30. I don’t think it’ll get approved but if my policy was effective 3/30 at 12:01 am technically I was covered even if it is retroactively. I am not saying it happened at a later date/time.

I know I’m dumb for not replacing my insurance I just never opened the 2 letters they sent because I have it autopay and assumed it was a bill
@henrysamuel They will not retroactively cover a claim. If that were possible, no one would purchase insurance until after they had an accident. The representative who helped you should probably lose their job for saying it would be covered. They should not be making any claims determinations and obviously not lying to customers. If they actually thought it would be covered, they either didn't understand what you meant, or they need a new career.

Either way, be prepared for some heavy scrutiny from the claims adjuster and to be responsible for the accident out of pocket.
I asked a question clarifying if got into an accident at 4am would that be covered. The representative said yes and helped me file a claim.

That representative was probably just an entry level employee, not a licensed adjuster, and thus didn't know any better or perhaps you misunderstood. As /@former32%C2%B0mason said, you can't buy coverage for an accident that's already occurred. Otherwise, people would drive with no coverage for their car to save money and add it after they had an accident. Coverage isn't retroactive. If you signed for a policy on 3/30, it would be effective at 12:01 on 3/31, NOT retroactive 4+ hours.
@henrysamuel No. You already tried to commit insurance fraud by purchasing the policy after the accident and trying to get coverage afterwards. This is going to put you in a very high risk pool. If you still want to drive I’d recommend contacting an agent that can connect you to a non-standard carrier.
@kejuli Well i’m trying to call the claims person and cancel my claim since everyone here is saying it’s insurance fraud..I don’t know how insurance works so when the agent said it was covered I went ahead and filed a claim.

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