Car Accident - They Ran a Red Light


New member
I was in an accident last year and doing everything I can to prove my innocence! There are no witnesses, so it's a "he-said, she-said". I was going west through an intersection where it was a green light already for about 6 seconds. As I am halfway through the intersection I get hit by a car going through the intersection southbound. My car barely even shifted so they must have just skimmed the front of the car. Since we have no witnesses, the deputy sheriff said it was a no-fault accident. Hmm....

I know our insurance is working on it, but I just wanted to see if anyone had recommendations to fight this as I am 1000% certain I had the green light and they had a red light. They didn't even try to make a light before it just turned green. It was green for 6ish seconds. They were a group of 16 year kids too....

Here's a photo of my vehicle at the accident
@louisianaclark Without video footage, it’s gonna boil down to a word vs word if each driver is claiming they had the green light. Each person’s insurer will side with their insured. These claims suck and are frustrating because without video or a witness the light color really can’t be proved.

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