“Goldman Sachs Warns S&P 500 Might Not Bottom Until 2,000”

@porphyrioskafsokalivitos This is non-news. They've predicted 5 recessions over the past 5 years and a sharp end to the bull-run. People who weren't paying attention then are paying attention now and giving it more credit than it deserves.

It's far, far more likely the sharp drops in the market has been close enough to pricing most of it in. We'll see when earnings come out in a few weeks.
@resjudicata Well it's a sarcastic joke, for when a business is doing poorly.

A word play on a - low margin, high volume business model.

We are losing money on every unit. Ya, but we will make our money on volume!
@broncofan yeah. if you think it will keep dropping you should sell. i have a feeling that advisors are saying 'don't sell' because they don't want panic. but if you think it will keep going down, then yeah why not sell?

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