poverty finance

  1. A

    Buying on sale is not saving

    Does this sound familiar? You go in to the store to buy a new pair of jeans but hold up, it's buy one get another 50% off! You just "saved" $20, That's enough to buy that sweet top you saw on the way here. When you get to the counter, turns out that top was actually half price and you didn't...
  2. J

    Free HelloFresh boxes

    Hi all! Not sure if this is the space for it, but I’ve got a bunch of free boxes on my account and I figure some people might like a couple of free meals to ease up the grocery bill for the week. Feel free to sign up, get your free box and cancel it instantly 👍🏻 Mods please remove if not...
  3. G

    Grocer app

    Couldn't see a post for this. Grocer is a NZ free app, I use it on android, (update: there is also an iOS version). You can select your local supermarkets and then search for items and it will show you the different prices so you can see where it's cheaper. I've found it pretty accurate, and...
  4. J

    budget advice

    so i work minmum wage with a weekly bonus they supply my dinner. after tax child support and fines im left with 1.034 in the hand rent is 250 food etc round 80 gas is about 60 other bills 150 but i always seem to be broke by friday what are some good places to get some budgeting advice so i can...
  5. L

    Free Hello Fresh Boxes

    Have some more free boxes - 4 days for 4 people. Remember to cancel promptly if you just want to grab the free box and don’t want to continue with the subscription. Spice up your meals with HelloFresh! Tap the link to claim your FREE week of food now 🎁 ⏰ 🍽️ 😋 >>...
  6. 4

    How to relax post-uni without feeling the impending doom of my student loan.

    Midway next year I am set to finish study, conjoint LLB/BA. I studied away from home (I could not live there a second longer) and got some scholarships but I've paid for most of my uni via my student loan. I used to be smart (I think) but when I was at the end of 2021 I had a traumatic...
  7. M

    Best budget shampoo & conditioner?

    Hiya! Trying to find the best quality shampoo and conditioner I can get at the warehouse or countdown (don’t have new world or paknsave where I live). Any help appreciated!
  8. R

    The Best I Need To BUy

    Is first, can you get away with secondhand? And is it really cheap? If it does need to be new, Pricespy.co.nz and Priceme.co.nz are good starting points. Even if you want a specific brand, or model, you can still find who is selling it cheapest. My brothers coffee machine died recently, we...
  9. M

    Mercury high gas bill despite not using heating at all.

    Hi, I live in a 4 bedroom house in Hamilton with 3 other people and we just got our first electricity+gas bill from Mercury ( billing period 9th feb to 16th March). While the electricity bill is reasonable (80 NZD) , the gas bill is a whopping 135 dollars. I don't understand how the gas bill...
  10. J

    Petrol Goes Up

    Hey All, With petrol set to go up on Friday, I thought we could brainstorm some ways to keep travel costs lower. Here is what I have so far. Changing Transport Options At the pricey end, we have switching to an EV (high upfront cost but then much cheaper to run). If not an EV, a moped is...
  11. V

    Drying clothes

    I have an internal garage and I have strung a pull-out washing line across where the bonnet of the car goes. If I put washed clothes out after coming back from a drive (I spin the clothes hard to get them started), the warmth of the engine helps dry the clothes. Plus, they don’t get rained on...
  12. R

    Bulk food from Costco then vaccume sealing and freezing portions.

    Anyone doing this? Is it worth it?
  13. D

    The State of Rent Prices!

    Rent prices are climbing fast, especially in the Auckland CBD with migrants returning and people moving away from the east coast post cyclone. It’s quite tricky to find places too in Auckland. What has your experience been, both in Auckland and the rest of NZ? How has this impacted other...
  14. D

    How to get poverty & accumulate wealth and freedom

    Can someone give me advice on getting out of poverty and accumulate true wealth in New Zealand? I came up with my own plan but i don't know if its the right path to financial freedom? Age: 39 City: Auckland Work: employed full time, been with the company for almost 13 years Owned house...
  15. R

    Powershop 33% increase

    I get that prices are up, and they increase their prices for Autumn, but their daily rate has gone up 33%. I'm so sick of this extortion. Where does anyone get a 33% increase? Seriously, wtf?
  16. W

    Advice on cheap proteins.

    Already in the healthy BMI range and heading for under weight. Good budget doesn't allow for much meat, any suggestions will be welcomed.
  17. C

    Organ meats are cheap

    I always used to think organ meats were gross until I dated a Japanese guy and made Chinese friends, and saw how they cooked it. Organ meats can be less than half the price of muscle meats, and way more nutritionally rich. Beef tongue for example, cut thin and cooked on a grill or pan can be...
  18. S

    Cheap internet from Skinny

    If you are of low income you can try Skinny Jump for internet. It's a 4g connection and the price is $5 for the first 50GB of the month, then you can buy more data of $5 for 35GB extra. Each month you can spend a maximum of $30 for a total of 225GB. https://www.skinny.co.nz/jump/home/
  19. J

    PovertyFinanceNZ is (unfortunately) trending

    hi redditors, i like to analyze the growth of subreddits and the reasons behind it. PovertyFinanceNZ caught my interest because its growing really fast recently. it grew by 7% today and 22% this week. why are so many people joining this week?
  20. I

    What are your hacks/tips for maximising results for reward scheme

    Eg. Flybuys, Airpoints, fuel savings etc… do you watch daily for specific deals or receive alerts ?