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    Seeking help picking insurance for baby arrival late January

    @munyaku Do I calculate that based upon Individual or family OOP? If based upon individual OOP, plan 1 is the cheapest. but going by family OOP, plan 3 is the cheapest.
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    Seeking help picking insurance for baby arrival late January

    @resjudicata We don't have any conditions that require us to go to the doctor, but will have three prenatal appointments in january, hospital delivery, and routine checkups for baby approximately six times in the first year and one or two postnatal checkups for myself. We'll have better income...
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    Seeking help picking insurance for baby arrival late January

    @resjudicata My husband is paid weekly, I believe that's the reason it's listed that way.
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    Seeking help picking insurance for baby arrival late January

    Hello, I am having my first baby late January (healthy pregnancy thus far, 24 y/o, no complications.) Please help me decide which family insurance is best for myself, husband, and baby. Thanks in advance! Prego brain is making this difficult. Plan 1: Traditional - Embedded calendar year...