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  1. G

    DEBT MF or FD for a period of 3 years 1000 rs p.m

    @jmh Over a 3 year horizon, an average debt fund is likely to give pretty much the same return as a RD. Personally, for that time horizon, I'd prefer dynamic asset allocation funds, but that's just me.
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    Form 26AS updated and will include certain high value transactions including mutual funds, stocks, FD, real estate etc

    @praisethelord123 Regardless of returns being filed and confirmed as okay, cases can be re-opened up to 7 years after the year of filing. IINM if you have foreign assets, cases can be re-opened even after that. I'm not aware if things have changed but until last year, I can vouch for the fact...
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    Form 26AS updated and will include certain high value transactions including mutual funds, stocks, FD, real estate etc

    @pokerbob Any names that you could share of AMCs who've done this in recent years? I've become very cautious about this after hearing stories of people who were harassed by ITOs for misreporting by MFs so I'll avoid such AMCs. I noticed FT and HDFC MF doing this long ago. FT for certain...
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    Form 26AS updated and will include certain high value transactions including mutual funds, stocks, FD, real estate etc

    @pokerbob I believe 10L is supposed to exclude switches. Extract from Rule 114-E:
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    Issue with calculating Tracking Error for Index fund

    @polycarpvenant Your calculations appear to be okay. The difference between your calculations and what UTI AMC has done appears to be on account of you including the data for 14 Nov 2020 which was a non-business day. Also, UTI has (carelessly?) avoided suffixing "%" to their calculation.
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    What does a CA do exactly w.r.t personal financial planning?

    @wrangler To add to what others have said, conceptually, financial planning is largely common sense, so in that sense, you don't need professional help. Practically, the complexities of the investments (which eventually will be recommended to the client), necessitate careful assumptions and...
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    (Complicated) tactic to harvest capital losses

    @jesuslovesme1973 Yes, it may.
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    (Complicated) tactic to harvest capital losses

    @jesuslovesme1973 I'm not a tax expert but I've spoken about this to some who are and the view is that FIFO will apply per folio, not across folios. Here's a link to a circular that will hopefully clarify this (tl;dr: jump to 5(b) in the circular)...
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    Security Level Portfolio and Maturity Profile of FT's 6 winded down debt schemes

    @n2ustarzphawl It was sold on 28 April- that's what it says.
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    Few questions for FIREd folks

    @realmajor101 Thanks for your wishes. All the best.
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    Few questions for FIREd folks

    @realmajor101 With the greatest of respect, I am uncomfortable divulging that information. Words cannot do justice to my performance:)
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    Security Level Portfolio and Maturity Profile of FT's 6 winded down debt schemes

    @n2ustarzphawl What makes you think that? They sold it on 28 April.
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    Few questions for FIREd folks

    @realmajor101 I don't separately maintain an emergency fund. Currently, 2 buckets. No set frequency for rebalancing- as and when I feel appropriate. I'm not losing sleep over LTCG tax: time will tell but off-hand I don't foresee much of a need to tweak my strategy. I have perfected the...
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    Security Level Portfolio and Maturity Profile of FT's 6 winded down debt schemes

    @n2ustarzphawl To put it more accurately, this has the smell of a distress sale, not a "normal" sale as someone else said and it converted a book loss into a bigger actual loss. The referenced security is a perpetual bond with a 2022 call option. As it is, perps are out of favour and yields...
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    Few questions for FIREd folks

    @steelernation What I follow is not a textbook bucket strategy: I keep tactical flexibility on the number of buckets and the amount allocated. Currently I have 2 buckets: Bucket 1: Expenses
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    Few questions for FIREd folks

    @realmajor101 If you don't mind, I have opted to selectively answer some of your questions. 45 - - Nil All options are on the table (a) - (b) no target AA- I follow a bucket strategy By being low-profile and reserved Can't think of any -
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    P014- Biggest mistake an MF investor can make

    @zashmaster The TERs are being disclosed. Latest- Regular plan: 1.77% Direct Plan: 0.18%. That said, while the point at the core of OP's argument is well-taken, there is no saying how egregious the actions of AMCs can be even in running funds. Case in point: IMHO Sundaram charging 1.51% in...