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  1. T

    If you have an active military pension, then how much is FERS retirement worth?

    @marc422 you are assuming an O5 does 28...oh I was thinking more like 20... anyway a good rule of thumb is take the annual amount (forgetting the COLA issue as that complicates it) and / .04 so if you are thinking $7,268 / .04 = $2.3 million approximately. that's about what an immediate...
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    If you have an active military pension, then how much is FERS retirement worth?

    @marc422 Your off on your numbers on what it’s worth it’s not worth $6,380,100. I’m pretty much what you described and I get 💯 Va too and I can buy my annuity for 2.5 million.
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    USAA Life Insurance Doubled their Rate, is this Normal?

    @kuhao1806 I call BS. Underwriting doesn’t work like this.
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    Selling Back Leave during Officer Retire/Retain

    @momofthree020409 Yes you can’t get it until you are out of navy.
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    Selling Back Leave during Officer Retire/Retain

    @momofthree020409 I did retire/retain for invol stat retirement. I sold back 60. It all happened after separation after my retain period. Your designator will change in NSIPS to end w a 3, you can’t get a fitrep and NSIPS will actually say you are on ROAD.