Selling Back Leave during Officer Retire/Retain

I'm approaching my 30 year statutory retirement as an O-6 and have been approved for four months of "Retire/Retain". I am planning to sell back 60 days of leave. A friend recently told me I have to sell it back at my statutory date and that I will not be able sell it back at my separation following the four months of Retire/Retain. However, MILPERSMAN 1811-010 specifically says:

"b. Officers are not entitled to sell leave upon their mandatory retirement date. An officer may sell leave upon completion of approved retention on Active Duty period per reference (g)."

Ref (g) is DOD 7000.14-R, DOD Financial Management Regulations, Volume 7A, Chap. 35, Table 35-2

When you go to the Ref (g) source document, it's not entirely clear to me how this statement is validated as true. In fact, Table 35-2 seems to support that I must sell back leave at the statutory date. It's not a small amount of money, so hoping someone can attest to their own experience or maybe read the DOD FMR with a more discerning eye. Maybe Rule 5 in Table 35-2?

I'll certainly be asking the experts at command and TSC, hoping to get some assurances from this community.
@momofthree020409 I did retire/retain for invol stat retirement. I sold back 60. It all happened after separation after my retain period. Your designator will change in NSIPS to end w a 3, you can’t get a fitrep and NSIPS will actually say you are on ROAD.
@tumbleweedangel2 Thanks DadOf3-1978. Your comment helped me understand this in a different context. The language that says the lump sum for accrued leave is not payable to officers retiring and being immediately retained on ACDU is only meant to say they can't get the lump sum at the time of transition to retired/retained status. It does not mean selling back leave is not authorized at the ultimate release from Active Duty.

The power of suggestion is strong and I had a moment of panic based on my friend's misconstrued comment. One more hurdle down on the road to retirement.

Also, given recent trends, just think what a bargain the stock market will be in four months.

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