Search results

  1. H

    [Colorado] Was I wrongfully denied unemployment?

    @marylouise777 Colorado is one of only a few states where earnings from the new job don’t purge a disqualifying separation from a previous employer. In Coloraro, if you left the previous job for a disqualifying reason, the wage credits from that employer are cancelled out and if you don’t have...
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    [Pennsylvania] Backpay Eligibility for U.S. Census Workers?

    @personaldilemma I dunno what “unemployment offices” you were visiting. Pennsylvania hasn’t had walk in unemployment offices in over 20 years. If you are referring to a CareerLink office, there are no Office of UC Benefits employees working in a CareerLink. There’s pieces of the story missing...
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    [[Pennsylvania]] self employment v unemployment Q?

    @sfonoti You’ll be disqualified for the week. Also going to trigger you being required to reopen the claim and report the new separating employer. Whenever you have earnings and then no earnings that looks like you have a new job separation but in your case it was not a job, it was...
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    [PENNSYLVANIA] Unemployment Outstanding Claims Issues

    @tankdriver Beautiful. 3rd and 4th quarter of 2022 have already been reported to the state and will be visible in wage record, so no need to upload documents. My suggestion is contact your local PA CareerLink office and request an appointment with a UC Rep. They are usually in there two days a...
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    [PENNSYLVANIA] Unemployment Outstanding Claims Issues

    @tankdriver How to get it fixed is going to depend on whether or not you a determination from an Examiner for any of these issues. Typically the separation reason mismatch would require adjudication unless you have the 6x earnings I mentioned. When did you start working at the job you were...
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    [PENNSYLVANIA] Unemployment Outstanding Claims Issues

    @tankdriver Each one of the close Open Issues with the exception of the Separation Mismatch is based on an answer you provided on the initial application. The separation from Employer Y can matter if you have not earned sufficient wages at Employer X to purge a disqualifying separation. That...
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    [Pennsylvania] PUA Should L & I Employees Still Be Allowed To Work Remotely?

    @unbakedpegga You aren’t on a quota to actually apply for 2 jobs per week. You can engage in 3 work “work search activities” per week, and I’d bet a lot of business networking that you are doing for your business is a countable activity. Check out the section under Work Search Activities...
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    [Pennsylvania] Will I qualify if I voluntary quit due to my job refusing pregnancy accommodations/forcing leave?

    @cristo Your employer is free to have a policy that they do not offer restricted or light duty due to the nature of the work. PWFA and ADA only require “reasonable accommodations” and the employer has a significant amount of say in what can or can’t be accommodated. There is some NJ posters in...
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    [Pennsylvania] Will I qualify if I voluntary quit due to my job refusing pregnancy accommodations/forcing leave?

    @cristo Your understanding is not correct. A total and permanent termination of the employment relationship is not an eligibility requirement.
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    7 weeks and nothing [New York]

    @benfje401 If he applied 7 weeks ago, that would have been 1st quarter 2024. Standard base year would look at earnings from 10-1-22 to 9-30-23. The quarters you indicate are missing, did they fall in that time span? Edit: I looked at your previous post. I would say with near certainty that...
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    [California] Got 1 day of contract work. Can I continue to certify for benefits in the weeks following?

    @mousa You’ll report your gross wages from the 1-day job when you certify for the week in which you earned them, not when they are paid, if later. Depending on how much you earned you may receive a partial UI benefit for that week or you the earnings may result in no benefits payable to you that...