
@rostislav I am yet to hear a single scholar who says you must give zakah on money that hasn't spent a year in your pocket.

If you're comfortable overpaying because it's what you are taught to do and it's easier that's fine but it is not even the base method.

This is how you phrase the question if you want to hear basically any scholar give you what to do on money that hasn't spent a year in your pocket مال لم يحل عليه الحول

@jeffp If it is your first payment, then you can count on the amount you have available now. For the next year, always write down your assets from the last lunar year and pay zakat on that (unless your assets have decreased or are even below Nisab). And Allah knows best!
@jeffp If only the 40K was with you for the year, then that’s what you have to pay Zakat.

If I am in your position, I will pay it on the 70K.

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