YTD Performance of major indices worldwide


New member
With the year winding down and just a few more trading weeks left, I thought it would be interesting to map the YTD and 5-year performance of several global markets.

Please let me know your thoughts!

My observations, YTD and 5-Year
  • It's shocking how crap the UK has performed, but perhaps not considering the entire Brexit disaster
  • Canadian markets performed below average
  • Large Cap US and Tech delivers
  • China is lagging the US in performance
  • India and Japan have returned to solid performance
  • Kudos If you took a punt on Crypto 5 years ago and still holding
EDIT POST: Looks like folks are not happy I included Bitcoin. It was just to provide context!

Also Gold in USD: 1 year - 12.8%, 5 year - 63%

All Data from Google Finance

YTD Performance %
5 Year Performance %
North America

Dow Jones


Russell 2000

TSX Composite

TSX 60
FTSE 100 Index

DAX (Germany)

CAC 40 (Paris)
Nikkei 225 (Tokyo)

Hang Seng Index (China)

Bitcoin to Canadian Dollar

Ether to Canadian Dollar
It's shocking how crap the UK has performed, but perhaps not considering the entire Brexit disaster

Brexit was major self-harm no doubt, but the FTSE 100 is an index of stocks listed on the London Exchange, not an index of UK-market-facing stocks. Most of them make the vast majority of their revenue outside the UK. Look at the top 10 by market cap for instance - they're pharma (Astrazeneca, Glaxo), petroleum (Shell, BP), mining (Rio Tinto, Glencore), consumer (Unilever, Diageo), banking, tobacco. It's mostly that the FTSE 100 is dominated by segments that have fallen out of favour except the energy stocks, with no big tech titans to prop it up.
@ulom It is the same thing for all.
Do you think total (petroleum) do all the money in France then on CaC40 ? Same for lvmh ?
The stock does represent the fact the local business roi for each country, but what bigger worldwide corporation based in this countries growth.
It is important to don’t misunderstand this. IMHO
@grammyjean I agree. I was responding in this specific case because of the attribution of Brexit as the possible cause of FTSE 100 poor performance. Brexit has harmed the UK economy but I don't think clear it's the dominant cause of FTSE 100 under-performance.
@jemager I refinanced my house April last year and put almost 400k into vfv and a few others that did really well. A risk I'll never take again.

I'm paying most of it it back now, but man it was way better than I expected.

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