Yet another budget spreadsheet

@hayden4 Love your spreadsheet, it has such a fun element to it and I’m inspired to use it and actually start budgeting properly. Probably a really silly question, but is there a blank version for people who aren’t excel savy? I’ve tried to save it as a copy, or delete your numbers so I can input mine but can’t seem to figure out how. Again it might be really obvious how to do it and I might just be being silly. TIA
@hayden4 This is exactly what I've wanted without even knowing it!! Clear, concise overview and easy to tweak different parts. Lots of the spreadsheets that are posted here are a bit unnecessarily turbo for me...
@tomber Not to take away from the sheet - because it is very nice - but have you looked at salary calculator websites? You can find a few by searching something like "tax salay calculator uk" but i've used this one in the past -

You can tweak your settings and look at different years so it's a bit more flexible depending on what you're looking for.

The NI might not be accurate for you as you are self employed. Sorry Ican't remember the rules for that since I last self assessed but don't think it was that far of employment rates all in.
@holydan86 God is wish I lived there. They always say you have higher taxes but great healthcare for all. I plugged in my American salary, and the national insurance is less then what I pay through my work. And they tell me I have great insurance. I pay tons every month and then tons of I need a doctor.

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