Year Three Done - Financial Journey Update 2023!


New member
The fourth year in a row updating this forum on my progress. In these updates I seek feedback on how I could be doing better and how I can help people in the same boat as me.

Just recently graduated from college and have been working full-time since June. Currently work in finance.

Net Worth Progress Update:

2019: $3,300

2020: $12,900

2021: $21,900

2022: $28,600

Where is my Money Stored?

Cash: $5000

Emergency Fund: $3,000

Car/Travel/Other various accounts $2,000

Investments $23,700

Brokerage: $14,100

Roth IRA: $5,800

401(K): $3,800

Debt None

Goals for 2023

Not the best year in terms of growth but when you consider how the markets have been this year, I will take what I can get. This year I will continue to DCA the S&P and look for some opportunities in individual companies. I think to finish up 2023 at 52K would be very doable, saving around $1,600. Which is around a 52.8% savings rate.

I will continue to focus on career growth (receive more education, more designations) to elevate my income. My biggest takeaway from this year was that burnout is real. Tried working more than one job and I could not get myself to do anything productive outside of work.

Anything I could improve on or do you have any questions for me?

Have a great 2023 everyone!

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