Wrecked my car i’m still financing


New member
(Long story short, i swerved to avoid being hit by another car and i hit something on the shoulder hard as fuck. my car no longer turns on but is able to roll, the airbag deployed so everyone is telling me that it’s “totaled” in the eyes of insurance )

Now my question
There was no police report, and i haven’t told my insurance, it’s been a few days since the incident. I still owe more than what it’s worth what do I do
@enginehead Report it to your insurance and figure out if you have Gap coverage. I’m assuming it’s in a tow yard in which case this needs to be reported yesterday. The insurance company will want to get the vehicle out of the tow yard asap and if you keep delaying they may make you responsible for the storage fees.
@enginehead You don't really have any options in this situation. You don't own the vehicle because it's still being financed. You need to file a claim, let your insurance pay the actual cash value to the bank and take the car, and you will be left owing the difference if you owe more than it's worth and you didn't get GAP coverage. Be aware, that balance will likely be due in full immediately after insurance pays the bank because their collateral is gone.
@former32%C2%B0mason I have like no money right now but i do work full time. i just spent everything cause back to back tragedies happened. Should i save up a grand or 2 then make the call because i cannot pay shit now except my insurance and car note
@enginehead That doesn't sound terrible. At your age, an at-fault accident on your record is going to be tough. The next vehicle you buy should be a beater that you get with cash so the insurance premium will be less extreme for a while.
@enginehead That's pretty bad. You're going to be basically uninsurable for a few years. You may need to take a break from driving. Once this car is gone, you can purchase a non-owner's policy to maintain continuous coverage and take public transportation for a while.
@former32%C2%B0mason that’s so impossible i live in the country. here’s the plan. insurance will cut me a check and i’ll use that check to buy. a motorcycle so i can get to and from work and just pay off my car in a few months
@enginehead How would that work? You won't receive anything from insurance if you owe more than the vehicle is worth. It all goes straight to the lienholder first to pay off the loan. If there's nothing left over, you never see anything.

Also, with two recent at-fault accidents on your record, any insurance is going to be extremely expensive, and getting a motorcycle is a very bad idea if you want to continue living.

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