Would you take a massive paycut & an unwanted job overseas for your dreams?

@veryhappyman I think as long as you have a long-term goal in-mind, and you're able to support yourself; go for it. Personally, I never believe in getting short-changed, but if it will help your situation; then it's a win-win. Life's too short to have regrets, so give it a shot; what's the worse that could happen?

But, make sure you have a long-term plan as once the work stress and workload kicks in; you're definitely going to second-guess the monetary part for sure.
@veryhappyman The demand for CS field in SG seems to be slowed down in the past several months.

For me $3.6k is an okay offer if you don't have commitment. I'm surviving with low $3k with $1.6k commitment + college fees. You could apply for PR as soon as getting 6 months payslip required for the application. Job searching in SG would be much easier once you got your PR. Good luck OP.
@irishunion Tempted to wait, but each day I would be waiting for an uncertainty while I slave away editing my resume to tailor for every potential job. Would I get a callback in 4 more months? Thats really hard to say & which is why I’m so inclined on accepting the offer. Even though deep down I don’t want to.
@veryhappyman To me here's what i think ,going to singapore or anywhere else is the same ,higher paycut means higher expenses ,what i think better is if we could just save up and use it to open another bussiness which has higher sucess rate and we get it from there ,and btw i believe every job in the world has its pros and cons ,its either mental health or stress so i believe every job has 1 ,here's what i think about, anywhere is underpaid ,u said ur underpaid there is even more underpaid person out there that has to do more and yet still underpaid ,getting higher salary cut doesnt mean everyone has the saving type of person

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