Would you take a massive paycut & an unwanted job overseas for your dreams?

@veryhappyman Since you have a partner, is PR via marriage not a potentially viable option for you? Don’t count on getting PR by working, I have known people who’ve been here for years, still getting their PR application rejected.
@younggenius It is but we don’t plan on getting married anytime soon, and also I have some sort of pride that hope I can get a PR without their help (my partner has naturalised as a citizen)
@veryhappyman I'm trying to break into the Software Development as a self taught person myself.

Any tips on how to land my first job?

Sorry I can't contribute much to your question.
@veryhappyman Good question. Since no job already and getting ready to settle down with GF, why WON'T you take the job?

Can slowly find other job in SG in the meantime. Unless you have significant money reserve or passive income, being jobless really takes a toll on your mental health and strain your relationship.

That's my take anyway. It's your life OP
@ralphalvarezz Thank you, you are really spot on regarding the mental health part. My partner is well on their own, but I do not want to continue being a burden & do feel like my time not working is a waste (even though I've been actively working on my coding & interviewing skills). Not hearing back after sending out so many tailored resumes and wasted effort networking on LinkedIn that went nowhere, really breaks my soul.
@ineedadvice101 He's not wrong so I don't get the downvotes. If you currently have a job, then by all means take the time to consider. But if you're currently unemployed, I'd pick whatever job comes my way first.
@dazza_73 to be fair 3.6k doesn't seem too bad if OP is unemployed and needs a job, but the 13 month salary likely implies that he has to stick with the job under contract for 13 months. if OP wants to be more flexible and keep looking for more well-paying jobs its probably not a good idea to accept the offer...
@veryhappyman It's a foot in the door for SG. There is a tech glut right now so don't expect people flinging cash at you. Also the good thing is that it's a junior programmer job so you can prove yourself and get a faster than normal advancement and more cash there.
@veryhappyman You can always switch industries or related roles. Important thing is that you must be able to do well. Your dream industry or role can come later. Trust me, those things are over rated. Companies are more alike than they are different

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