Would you take a massive paycut & an unwanted job overseas for your dreams?

@veryhappyman I think as long as you have a long-term goal in-mind, and you're able to support yourself; go for it. Personally, I never believe in getting short-changed, but if it will help your situation; then it's a win-win. Life's too short to have regrets, so give it a shot; what's the worse that could happen?

But, make sure you have a long-term plan as once the work stress and workload kicks in; you're definitely going to second-guess the monetary part for sure.
@veryhappyman The demand for CS field in SG seems to be slowed down in the past several months.

For me $3.6k is an okay offer if you don't have commitment. I'm surviving with low $3k with $1.6k commitment + college fees. You could apply for PR as soon as getting 6 months payslip required for the application. Job searching in SG would be much easier once you got your PR. Good luck OP.
@irishunion Tempted to wait, but each day I would be waiting for an uncertainty while I slave away editing my resume to tailor for every potential job. Would I get a callback in 4 more months? Thats really hard to say & which is why I’m so inclined on accepting the offer. Even though deep down I don’t want to.

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